Archived Be glad you don't make squat.

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"He went from making $52,000 a year to $30,000."
...after 26 years with the company!?!?!

LOL!! New execs in my area start at around 49k fresh out of college with no work experience.. and if they come from another retail management position-- significantly more than 49k. This guy was getting ripped off lol... PLUS this article is dated from 2010.
That etl is part of the age discrimation lawsuit against spot. Several of us old folks are watching it closely. Target sucks blog has more details.
"He went from making $52,000 a year to $30,000."
...after 26 years with the company!?!?!

LOL!! New execs in my area start at around 49k fresh out of college with no work experience.. and if they come from another retail management position-- significantly more than 49k. This guy was getting ripped off lol... PLUS this article is dated from 2010.

You guys really believe ETLs make that much?

About two years ago I was in the TL office and our ETL-GE had left her paycheck stub out on her desk. I couldn't help but look. Guess what the check was for? About $1400. That is still $2800 monthly and isn't bad, but no where near 50K a year which would be at least $4200 monthly.

ETL's say they make gobs of money to BS people. Hell, I lied about how much I made if a TM ever asked. Added about $4 more an hour than I actually made. It was too embarrassing otherwise considering all the years I had put in.
i don't think it's just older ETLs that are being targeted. ANY employee who has been with the company over 5 to 6 years seems to be on the defensive.

about three years ago we got all new ETLs. only two of them were not new to target. we (the specialists) watched several TL's get "performanced out" over the dumbest things. some of them had over 10 yrs with the company. now that i think about it, they were all african american and mexican american. a few months later we saw a couple more of the white TL's get the same treatment. i've been targeted more than once and still wonder how i've got a job at spot.
You guys really believe ETLs make that much?

About two years ago I was in the TL office and our ETL-GE had left her paycheck stub out on her desk. I couldn't help but look. Guess what the check was for? About $1400. That is still $2800 monthly and isn't bad, but no where near 50K a year which would be at least $4200 monthly.

ETL's say they make gobs of money to BS people. Hell, I lied about how much I made if a TM ever asked. Added about $4 more an hour than I actually made. It was too embarrassing otherwise considering all the years I had put in.

$1,400 a check would put them at around $42,000 a year with a rough offset of 15% for 401(k)/medical/taxes. Your $50,000 at $4,200 a month doesn't take deductions into account. At the 15% mark, $50,000 would end up being roughly $1,650 a check.
It's still WAY more than I make.
Right now I'm just lucky I'm making something.
The tax bracket for a single person making over $38,000. a year is 25%.

I've been trying to talk my son into contributing more to his 401k since he is getting killed in taxes....
The tax bracket for a single person making over $38,000. a year is 25%.

I've been trying to talk my son into contributing more to his 401k since he is getting killed in taxes....

Yeah, I know the threshold is higher, but I always err on the conservative side when making a point.
The tax bracket for a single person making over $38,000. a year is 25%.

I've been trying to talk my son into contributing more to his 401k since he is getting killed in taxes....

You realize that the effective tax rate is different than what tax bracket you fall in to, right? Because you are in the 25% bracket does not mean you actually pay 25%.
$1,400 a check would put them at around $42,000 a year with a rough offset of 15% for 401(k)/medical/taxes. Your $50,000 at $4,200 a month doesn't take deductions into account. At the 15% mark, $50,000 would end up being roughly $1,650 a check.

FYI she had no 401k. That was my first thought too, but I looked that paystub over good at the time because I knew I would probably never get another chance like that.

Also, that is no where near 42000! Do some simple math. 1400X2 = 2800 X 12 = annual salary of $33600. Which is about the salary the this news article says the ETLs were making. Sorry, even with taxes taken in to account there was no way in hell she came even close to 42000. Also, we live in a state with no state income taxes - so that was pay with only federal deductions.

Now, considering the fact many ETLs put in 50 or 60 hours a week - if they were making a wage instead of a salary (assuming 40 hours a week) their pay would probable be around $27000 a year. Not very impressive.
I really don't appreciate people coming on here at telling outright lies when there are many on here who know the real answers to these comments. Of course there are many ETL's who make 49k or more per year. Let's keep things real in here, shall we. Either we are allowed to come in here as current and former retail employees and share our experiences in the retail world, or we are not. Is this a communist country? Last I checked it was not. Therefore please leave us alone to share our piece of the conversation without controlling and manipulating the discussion. Don't think we don't notice when posts mysteriously disappear. Fortunately some on here have printed and saved those comments and dialogue posts for posterity. It's not nice to inappropriate try to persuade and control and alter what people do, say, think, etc. By the way, that article is right on, many have been on here to voice the exact same types of discrimination and abuse in the workplace. Thanks for sharing this great post, things can't improve until the reality of the severity of what goes on is shared with others.
I would like to hear from others who have been "maxed out" I am personally appauled that the ONLY way an hourly employee (TM, SPEC, TL, RG) can get a raise, especially once they have "maxed out" is ONLY if they are give Excellent or sometimes even Outstanding, neither of which is very easy to achieve! They don't give those scores out lightly at all!
i don't think it's just older ETLs that are being targeted. ANY employee who has been with the company over 5 to 6 years seems to be on the defensive.

about three years ago we got all new ETLs. only two of them were not new to target. we (the specialists) watched several TL's get "performanced out" over the dumbest things. some of them had over 10 yrs with the company. now that i think about it, they were all african american and mexican american. a few months later we saw a couple more of the white TL's get the same treatment. i've been targeted more than once and still wonder how i've got a job at spot.
FYI she had no 401k. That was my first thought too, but I looked that paystub over good at the time because I knew I would probably never get another chance like that.

Also, that is no where near 42000! Do some simple math. 1400X2 = 2800 X 12 = annual salary of $33600. Which is about the salary the this news article says the ETLs were making. Sorry, even with taxes taken in to account there was no way in hell she came even close to 42000. Also, we live in a state with no state income taxes - so that was pay with only federal deductions.

Now, considering the fact many ETLs put in 50 or 60 hours a week - if they were making a wage instead of a salary (assuming 40 hours a week) their pay would probable be around $27000 a year. Not very impressive.

My wife is on 40k salary in her checks are like 1300 or something too.
I have said it before & I will say it again: Target can "performance you out" anytime they want. All they have to do is document something that you do not do on a regular basis on your cole roles. They can build a case on anyone because many of the core roles are so general (this done purposely, in my opinion).

For example, when I was a Backroom Team Lead a few years ago, one of my core roles was "responding to ALL backup at the registers." What backroom team lead do you know who responds to ALL backup? No one! Even if you responded to MOST, management can still get you for not responding to ALL!

Target can make the best team members look like "scum" by using Target language and lingo on a corrective action. There is really nothing anyone of us can do about it because the company has a legal team ready to do their dirty work. You just have to hope that it doesn't happen to you.
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StateOfTarget you need to multiply the $1,400 by 26 because there are 26 pay periods in a year (out of 52 weeks).. You get 36,400 which seems reasonable assuming they're deducting health care, vision, dental, taxes/401k. A new ETL starts around 48/49k so after all that taken into account, the net is around 1400.. give or take based on an individual basis
Extremely well said! Perfect!
i have said it before & i will say it again: Target can "performance you out" anytime they want. All they have to do is document something that you do not do on a regular basis on your cole roles. They can build a case on anyone because many of the core roles are so general (this done purposely, in my opinion).

For example, when i was a backroom team lead a few years ago, one of my core roles was "responding to all backup at the registers." what backroom team lead do you know who responds to all backup? No one! Even if you responded to most, management can still get you for not responding to all!

Target can make the best team members look like "scum" by using target language and lingo on a corrective action. There is really nothing anyone of us can do about it because the company has a legal team ready to do their dirty work. You just have to hope that it doesn't happen to you.
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