Archived Becoming a Trainer

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Dec 10, 2011
I recently returned to working at Target and I was told they may want to make me a trainer once I hit 90 days(again). What are the advantages to being named "trainer." I know there is more responsibility, but what do you get out of it.
There is no kind of pay increase associated with being a trainer. One of the benefits is that you will gain more trust with your team leads and obviously the new team members. The fact that they asked you to become a trainer instead of you asking them is already a god sign. It is a great way to get to know everyone. That's about it.
This was part of them turning me down for the perishables assistant promotion. Only one of the ETL's I interviewed with wanted to give me the position so she was trying to think of other things I could do that would be a "step up." POG, Trainer, future promotions when I work on the VERY small list of things I needed to work on. SO it sounds good, I was just curious about perks. Maybe POG is a higher pay grade than SF. Any recognition when you are fairly new (1.5 months) to a store is good I think.
Go with POG/Plano team more money than sales floor. You will learn every inch of the store and the fixtures. It will make you more "global". Team trainer is no more money and you would train new tms in best practice. 😎
Also good cause they will give you more hours and are supposedly looking to you as a future TL.
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