Archived Best time to apply? Seasonal.

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Sep 16, 2019
Hello everyone, just wondering when the best time to apply for a seasonal position would be?
Because I heard through the grape vine my local target is already interviewing people. Though I just seen on the target website that they posted when the hiring events are going to be, one in October and one in November.
When would be the ideal time to put in an application to get a possible spot?
Should I put it in now OR wait a couple weeks closer till the October hiring event?
Anyone in HR with any info would be very helpful thanks!
I wouldn't mind getting in asap, and would love to stay after season. But if it comes down to being let go after season I would understand.

(P.S side question: Who usually does the seasonal interviews? Is it any team leads available during that time or is it HR and the store manager?)
Please put your app in now! The October and November hiring events are for all stores to host. Like @SitSpotSit said all seasonal applicants only need one interview with an executive leader or store director. We’ve already hired about 12 seasonal TMs 😊
My store has a hiring event taking place this weekend. If your store is waiting till October, then get your app in now so you can stand out from the rest of the masses that apply during the event. There's also a possibility that you might be considered a regular hire rather than seasonal if you get in before the event.
Now is great. I hear the hiring events are only to plug the holes leftover from seasonals already hired and warm body quota. And if the stores already met the quota they will have event but not actually hire anyone who applies during the event.
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