Archived Bullseye shop

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I went to the website, and for a while, I was getting ads for the site on other websites. Does this mean that guests could shop for this stuff? Seems like it could lead to one of those events where someone impersonates an employee and steals a bunch of money or merchandise.
I was thinking the same thing, why would someone want to buy a team member shirt if they were not a team member and if they want team members to buy their stuff they need to let us use our red cards and get our discounts!
Have not been impressed with any of the merch & the prices don't make it worth it.
I still have a few items that I got back when there was cool/useful stuff but now it's just 'meh'.
I ordered a bullseye dog but it took forever to get mailed out. So don't get anything you need right away...
Go to and scroll to the bottom... and click more and then in the list u will see bullseye shop
The best part is they say they offer "great shipping prices" but the cheapest is 5.95...I was gonna order the pride bracelet, at 2.49 but with 6 dollars in shipping no thank you
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