Archived Bullseye Shop

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Sep 30, 2017
I realize this may be a store by store thing but i was looking at the Bullseye shop and some of the stuff isn't true red and/or solid red might be red with burgandy or heathered red etc. Do you think most would be safe for work? There are some obviously that wouldn't (black, camo etc) but if it's a shade of red and coming from there you'd think it would be ok.
My store is rather relaxed about the color red. Mixed colors as long as the predominant color is red, flies. Black and red plaid, no problem. Burgundy, totally cool! Same for khaki. ETL--HR wears brown pants, and considers them khaki, but no, you may not wear ANY solid color of pants as outlined in our handbook.
some of the stuff isn't true red and/or solid red might be red with burgandy or heathered red etc. Do you think most would be safe for work?

ASANTS but it should be fine. Your top could be any shade of red. If you want to play it safe, I recommend showing a photo of the shirt to your store HR and asking if it is acceptable before committing to the purchase.
My store seems to be pretty relaxed as well...I even saw one TM in a pink C9 hoodie. I have the same one and love it but it's definitely not red/maroon.
you can return Bullseye Shop items in store too, so even if you buy it and don't like it you aren't stuck with it
I have something from there that isnt solid red and no one said anything to me even my militaristic ETL who is everything must be red.
Red is pretty flexible at my store, too. I've also seen people in solid black or gray pants, so apparently the solid color thing isn't a big deal here, either.
Thanks everyone. I'm going to make sure I'm past my 90 days and that they are going to continue to be flexible with my other job (I have a full time desk job that pays substantially more than Spot) and then i'll probably buy a couple things. I'm still trying to snag the shirts the store has too. I'm not sure how people get those. I know many PT people at my store have them.
I figure if Spot wants me to be a walking advertisement, even while on shift, they can hand out the Target-branded shirts. Otherwise, if I'm buying, I'll just pick out regular red shirts I can wear anywhere. I feel similar about the company-branded clothing for my day job. They sell it on site and I...don't get it.
I owned one red & white striped shirt prior to getting hired and have a couple more now. They can be worn elsewhere, just not with khakis. I'm always surprised to see guests in red & khaki, like, do you want to get asked where stuff is while shopping?
I stopped buying stuff from them when we lost our discount and free shipping. Overpriced stuff we should get free or at the least the chance to earn at work.
I stopped buying stuff from them when we lost our discount and free shipping. Overpriced stuff we should get free or at the least the chance to earn at work.
You can have your paycheck, or we can double the amount and you get paid in "Bullseye Bucks" only good at Bullseye's Shop!
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