Archived Call Box Question?

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Oct 15, 2016
I just spent all last night on the sales floor. I could not get the call boxes to clear.

How do you clear a call box?

Either I was doing something wrong or the call boxes were broken last night.

Thank you for any help.
There are different kind of callboxes. Some you push the clear button to "clear" them, others you push a button underneath the box.

Kind of like your spiderwrap question, someone in your store should be able to tell you how to clear the callbox in your storem
If it is a phone, pick up the phone and when the voice starts talking, hang up the phone. If it is a separate box, like at the boats, there is a flashing light for you to push.
On our phones, we press the black button to the right of the phone and that clears it.
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