Archived Call outs?

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May 1, 2016
Hello all, just a quick inquiry. I've had some attendance issues and have had 2 coachings (undocumented as far as I know ). Ive never been written up or issudd a corrective action, last time I called in was give or take a month ago, should I expect another coaching or does it seem I may be due for my first write up / corrective action? Normally I'd just go in and see what happens but as of late I have super anxiety lol. I've read the megathread but it's kindve outdated IMO. Any info is appreciated. Thanks

Show up when scheduled.

'nuff said...
Well as far as the coachings being "undocumented," that's probably incorrect. All a TL has to do is go into the TMC and write up something saying they spoke to you about such and such issue, and boom, it's documented. They don't have to tell you about it. Only when they're giving you a write-up must they tell you.

Now none of us can say anything for sure because every store and every leadership is different. Most likely they would have said something by now if it's been a month since you last called out, but technically I believe they have quite a while post-incident to issue write-ups. I would personally not sweat it until they are pulling you into office and writing you up. Consider your 2 coachings a huge warning not to call out again for a while.

May I ask why you have attendance issues? Do you get sick a lot?
When I transferred over to this store my availability was every other weekend due to child care needs, and it took them a while to get my schedule correct. I would try shift swaps with no success and ultimately had to just call in. I never call out if it's a health issue unless its major .
You might want your mgt know those facts. Commication is the key. Your new store does not know you.
They were made aware of everything in my phone interviews before my transfer was approved and processed. We're clear on the facts now, but my most recent call in was unavoidable. If I get written up that's fine I'll just be more careful, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going from being coached to getting termd.
It was my ETL, I work overnight. My child care needs haven't been an issue in a bit, up until the other day when my kid was sick. My main concern as I said was I wasn't sure if I can get termd for attendance with no write ups or ca.
If you haven't signed anything, there was no CA. You get at least 2 CAs before you get termed. If you were scheduled outside of your availability, your ETL may not have turned in a coaching at all (he shouldn't have at any rate).
All a TL has to do is go into the TMC and write up something saying they spoke to you about such and such issue, and boom, it's documented. They don't have to tell you about it.
That's not correct. They specifically have to tell you that that they will be documenting this conversation (or something like that).
No they don't. In fact, the sheet says specifically not to tell them you are documenting it.

That said, if it's been a month and you haven't heard anything, you should be fine.
Really? I heard the exact opposite from my TL (who is new in role).
Really? I heard the exact opposite from my TL (who is new in role).
You don't need to tell them. I on the other hand encourage other leaders to make it evident that you are having a documented coaching conversation with them. On the other hand, 3 coachings on the same issue will lead to a CCA.
ASANTS I suppose. At my store you have to let a TM know that you are having a coaching conversation. They don't sign anything, nor do they receive a copy. If you do not tell the TM that it is a coaching, it will go in the trash. Totally unfair to stealth coach. How can you give a CA if the TM wasn't given fair warning? TMs, if you hear "failure to show improvement can lead to corrective action up to and including termination" you have been coached.
If your last call in was a month ago and they haven't said anything then you should be in the clear.
I called in last fridat, that call in was a month after the last. But between all the responses I can put together that I should be alright...they also just did reviews today so I'm sure it would have come up . Thanks everybody, much appreciated.
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