Archived calling in sick within first 90 days?

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your local target barista
Jul 28, 2017
So I'm a seasonal Barista at Starbucks and I have only worked there for 2 weeks. I had the stomach flu yesterday and I waited to see what I felt like today before I called in. My shift is at 8 AM though. Will I get fired for calling in?
Your SBUX should have a poster that states the dress code/uniform guidelines. I believe it says if you have such and such symptoms, inform your ETL or LOD. It's been a minute since I've been back there but usually if your sick, especially in Starbucks or food ave, they should understand. I always told my team to contact me and let me know so I can find coverage or for them to communicate within the team so we'd be self sufficient. i would say if you can see your dr and get a note for HR to file. Still not good calling off, but at my home, it's not the end of the world.
So I'm a seasonal Barista at Starbucks and I have only worked there for 2 weeks. I had the stomach flu yesterday and I waited to see what I felt like today before I called in. My shift is at 8 AM though. Will I get fired for calling in?
You should be fine. If you came in you would be violating health codes and company policy. Go to a doctor or clinic of some sort to get a note, so you can cover your ass.
And, fun fact, if you are keyed for Starbucks, you aren't seasonal. You might want to offer to make up the shift later in the week, as you were probably training.
So I'm a seasonal Barista at Starbucks and I have only worked there for 2 weeks. I had the stomach flu yesterday and I waited to see what I felt like today before I called in. My shift is at 8 AM though. Will I get fired for calling in?
Call in as soon as possible. Any time you have a bug and in food service, you need to placed in a non-food area or sent home.
She was scheduled Starbucks; wouldn't drink anything that day.
Could have invented a new drink or sandwich based on what bodily fluids were coming out. Snotty Green Tea, Squirty Macchiato, Chunky Bits Croissant.
I'm in the first month of my 90 day period. Called out once today 3 hours before shift because I was violently puking (and there's been an incident at work this month where I actually ...deposited my belongings to the trash can behind the operator's desk before I could even run to the front of the store).

They wanted me to stay even though I was making regular runs to the restroom every 15 minutes, and after an hour in I said to hell with this and clocked out.

Felt bad then, felt bad now. Esp since i'm operator and apparently the store can't run without one on duty even though we have plenty of people to cover my shift (night time) for one day. I know, the operator is pretty much essentially to the store in various ways. But my point was that they seem to never want to ask ANYONE to cover a shift, let alone if you need to take your mandatory 15 or 30. It's like twisting an arm.

The guilt is awful.

My performance is pretty good, i'm new to softlines but i'm actually following the stream pretty well for someone who came in blindfolded.

We'll see how my 90 days fairs out~
For the sake of your store, your team, your guests, and yourself: call out. You're sick, and you are in no condition to be serving food. Your leaders will understand, and it's likely that someone will be happy to cover your shift and take the extra hours.

I understand your concern about being under your 90 days. However, one call-out is unlikely to jeopardize you being kept on past 90 days (especially if you're sincerely sick). Even if you end up calling out a second time, you're probably fine. They just don't want to see a pattern of attendance issues.

Feel better soon.
I called out once during probation due to leaky ends, and look at me now! *Sigh* Stinkin' dead end job...
ASANTS but I called out about five times in my first 90 days, including on my 3rd ever shift and I'm still there two years later.
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