Archived Calling out before store opens

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Nov 5, 2017
I checked the forums but i didnt see anything about how to call before the store actually opens probably missed it there was a lot of pages to go through. Anyways please dont give me shit for calling out but I will not be able to do an opening shift tomorrow as I have had stuff going on and I have to do something important anywho do the calls even go through before the store opens ? do you have to tell them the day before /ASANTS ?
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If it's an opening shift, you can usually call out the night before.
The calls would still go through before the store opens, as long as someone is in the store to pick up the phone. I'd say ASANTS for calling off the day before, they might hold it against you if effort wasn't taken to get the shift covered
If you're an overnight store someone is able to take calls at all times. Even at 6am stores there is someone at around 515-530 who can take callouts.

Some stores don't let you call out the night before, but some appreciate the advance notice.
Since you already know now that you won't be able to work, I would call NOW and give HR a chance to try and get coverage. It can be really hard to find someone to pick up an opening shift on short notice.
I used to work overnight and the tl's or LOD will take the call, when you call and while the recording is on push the zero button and it goes to the phone, it might take a while if they don't have the phone with them or can't answer right away, then when opening LOD comes in they always ask if there are any call outs and h.r. starts making phone calls to get someone in.
Call in...usually press 0 to skip the store greeting audio. LODs are there at like 5 - 6 am usually at most stores. Some may be too far from a phone to even hear it so you may need to call every 5 minutes sadly if there is only one leader there.
I don't work at an overnight store but the flow and plano team are usually there at 4AM, and they're all usually checking their emails at the TSC until 4:30AM or so, so if I have to call out before an opening shift, someone will normally answer. It's a pain in the rear getting them to answer after that, though. For me, at least.
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