Archived Cart Attendant?

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Dec 21, 2014
Today will be my first shift as a Cart Attendant. I got hired on after Seasonal, and have been Cashiering for the last three months. I'll be midshifting, so I'll be out there with another CA. What should I expect? Are there any supplies/clothes I should bring along just in case? It's 65 degrees out, so weather shouldn't be an issue.

Any tips would be appreciated.
Today will be my first shift as a Cart Attendant. I got hired on after Seasonal, and have been Cashiering for the last three months. I'll be midshifting, so I'll be out there with another CA. What should I expect? Are there any supplies/clothes I should bring along just in case? It's 65 degrees out, so weather shouldn't be an issue.

Any tips would be appreciated.

65 degrees in February? You must be nowhere near where I am - we've been getting teens and single digits lately.

You may want to bring a jacket in case it gets chilly or starts raining. If it's sunny, it can't hurt to have a pair of sunglasses. And make sure you have comfortable shoes; you're gonna be doing a lot of walking and you don't want your feet to hurt.

Don't forget to wear a safety vest when you're in the parking lot!
Best of luck. I always say Cart Attendants are underappreciated and undervalued for what they do. Their position should be at least PG7 for some of the things they put up with. Our CAs have cleaned poop off the walls, blood off the floor, you name it.
A lot of stuff can be store specific. Some stores may have you running like a dog around doing anything and everything. Hangers, defects, bags, sodas, safety stations, and stuff . While other stores may have you just do carts, zone, and backup cashier

- Always allow yourself time to check restrooms.
- If you store does not practice this, have the GSA/GSTL get another TM to check the other restroom, so you are no waiting on guests to leave
- Follow the cart procedures and limits. They will ding you for pushing too many carts.
- Avoid taking lunches at peak traffic times.
- Pull only the carts you need or enough to supply the store for high traffic times and your lunches/breaks.
- Bring your own coat/rain jacket.
- Push down the front door trash if possible. Less of a mess to track through the store.
- CA is all about time management.
always wear your vest - Though they should have one with lights and sounds on it. You pretty much take your life in your you own hands - the people who drive into our lot have to be, not only the worst drivers in the world, but they don't care either. I am really surprised we don't have hit and runs on a daily basis.

♦ If you live in a cold area come in often to warm up.
♦ I don't know how it is in your store, but in ours, cart attendants get free drinks when on the clock (don't abuse it)
♦ Don't stand around in the well doing nothing. (Other team Members like to tattle to GSTL/GSA about it.
♦ If you have a lap over of time with another cart attendant, don't wait until he or she (does target allow she cart attendants?) is leaving to take your breaks COORDINATE times with them.
♦ Don't make the GSTL/GSA be your baby sitter. Learn your job and do it. If you can't remember what you need to do, write it down.
♦ such as:
• always keeping the well full
• doing garbage and when to do it - don't let it overflow - guests love to complain about that
• emptying hanger bins in the back
• making sure hand baskets are full throughout the store
• Checking the restrooms - and clean them when they need to be cleaned

No matter what job you do, always do it to the fullest. - Doing a job halfway is like not doing it at all.
Keep the front carpet swept up!

Stay on top of the recycle bins. Get that crap to the backroom!

Keep the restroom checkup chart up to date, by the hour!

Make sure you have fantastic walking shoes along with some type of comfortable water proof shoes and rain gear... check my avatar.
(does target allow she cart attendants?)

Absolutely. We have one, and she's one of our better cart attendants. Being a cart attendant does not require a Y-chromosome; just willingness to work hard, brave the elements, and get one's hands dirty (or gloves for obvious reasons).
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