Archived Cashiers set up to fail?

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Oct 19, 2015
I'm starting my 3rd week. I've worked four 4 hour shifts and one 8 hour shift. They've been hounding me about red cards from the start and no one wants the stupid things. I've only gotten 2 and that was because those 2 people came in wanting it on their own. People don't even listen to me talk about the benefits.

But also, they're on me about my speed. The G/R thing with the percentage. I'm fast, I can get 100% every time with people who know how to pay. It's the customers who don't understand the chip, don't know their pin, can't find change, and their coupons are blurry and won't scan. And the price complaints, oh this was marked less on the shelf. So I have to switch on my light and wait. .. how do other cashiers keep their speed up? Are there cashiers who can actually stay above 90?
At my store my cashiers don't call me unless they are dying. They are empowered to make smart decisions and if they don't they are coached. It has taking my partner and I a while to build that culture but every store is different.
Can you "suspend" a transaction that requires a price check or assistance from the GSTL?
For people who don't know how to pay, I walk them through it in a courteous and fun manner.

If I hear the buzz that they've swiped a chipped card, I'll just right away say something like "Oh, we've actually started using the chip and pin cards, so just pop it in the bottom here with the chip facing the machine." I'll then check and see (slash hope) the total is under $50, so I can tell them "And just leave the car in about 8 seconds until it says to remove it." If it is above 50, I'll say a similar thing with signing.

For people having issues with debit, I always close with "And it will ask you just two more questions" they can figure out the cash back one, and I'll tell them to say "Yes" to the "All on one card?" question, usually joking that nobody ever says "No."
You can suspend any transaction that hasn't yet had payment applied.
I encourage empowerment.

Also , I explain to the guest that they can swipe before the cashier is done scanning. BUT sometimes there are guests that hawk the POS screen and challenges every item scanned.

suspend is your best friend.
I a good gstl will teach you how to solve basic problems like things don't have a tag and stuff like that but they should also be willing to help when it is needed
At my store my cashiers don't call me unless they are dying. They are empowered to make smart decisions and if they don't they are coached. It has taking my partner and I a while to build that culture but every store is different.

My store was different by far. As GSA I found myself constantly running back and forth to blinking lights like a mad person. Even our veteran cashiers needed help at least once per shift.
My store, soon to be former store, has never, ever brought up speed to me. And since we've gone to chip cards, my speed hasn't been green.

For some reason speed doesn't seem to be important in my store.
For any chip cards, if they fail the first time, I just basically put it in there for them and tell them don't take it out until the screen tells you to. And I'm only a back-up cashier (HL TM).
At my store we also empower cashiers to make their own decisions as long as it's reasonable.
First relax a little, you are still a rookie with 24 hours under your belt at the spot. Every work center is under pressure to make "green" metrics, for the front lanes that would be cashier speed and of course red cards.

Here are some helpful tips I use:

I use the good old line, "Will this be on your Target card?" It is great, because first it gets the guest in payment mode (pulling out the wallet, and you can look to see if they have a chip card and prepare to help them if needed while ringing) and if they say "no" start with the benefits.

"Suspend is thy friend" remember that if you get that guest...who is digging for that pesky penny, can't find their coupon, etc and if the guest behind them has a small order, ask if you can ring them up while that other guests gets it together. The first guest gets time to find what they need and get flustered and the second one get a fast checkout.

Use your empowerment, a good rule of thumb is 20% rule, because that generally the biggest discount taken with weekly ad. Say a guest challenges you bottle of cleaner that rang up 3.09 and they say it was 2.66 just give it them (3.09*.2=.61 cents off max). First it makes the guest challenging feel empowered and trust you and the guest behind them happy because there is no dreaded blinking light. Second make sure you have a copy of the ad that you can reference to the guest if the challenge is above that, and if you need backup, flip the light, because there will always be those very aggressive "guests"

And confidence comes with experience! There are guests who will try and intimidate you, but stand your ground, you know the rules/regulations of the lanes and if not ask a veteran.
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