Archived Chances of being switched from softlines to cashier?

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Sep 9, 2012
I've been working for Target for about 2 months now, in softlines, and well, I can't stand it. Picking up clothes off the floor for 8 hours gets old fast, and quite frankly, everybody else who works in softlines is lazy and dramatic.

Anyways, the other day I was talking to my friend who was hired at the same time as me, and he told me that he was switched from hardlines to cashier because he was "zoning too slowly, but they liked his attitude".

I love cashiering, I think I'm the only person at my entire store who does, but I think its fun. Anyways, I told my HR person that I really liked cashier and asked if there was anyway I could do it more, and she said "So you want to switch work stations?" and I said yes, and she said she would talk to the other ETL about it.

So my question is, what do you think my chances of being switched are? The holidays are coming up so I know they will be hiring, and I'm hoping they can hire somebody to fill my place and switch me over.

Anybody do this before?

Well if they like you and think you'd be a fit for it, I can't see why you couldn't get moved to that workcenter.

I personally hate cashier shifts...they drag for me.
I don't know why I like it so much, I'm seriously the only person at my store that doesn't HATE it! The thing that worries me, is that 99% of the softline's team members at my store are seriously lazy as hell, and they have recognized that I'm not, so I'm worried they might want to keep me there because I'm the only person that doesn't take 4 hours to put back one z-rack of abandons (seriously).
Softlines seems to be filled with drama everywhere you go. Also try to be the first to respond to back-ups prior to requesting a switch.
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Softlines seems to be filled with drama everywhere you go. Also try to be the first to respond to back-ups prior to requesting a switch.

Think of it this way. Trapped in a box for 8 hours. Sales floor move around in.
in our store if you are in your 90 day time you can only switch work centers with a dr's note.
why would they do this when they can get two jobs out of you? making you a cashier exclusively would keep you from doing other jobs, then running up to run the registers.
If they don't switch you, start picking up cashier shifts from the board when you can and get redcards. A SL tm did that and now, even though she's still a SL tm, she gets more cashier shifts than she does softlines, and sometimes she comes in and they just ask her to stay on register instead of coming to the floor. She's terrible in softlines and always gets a ton of redcards, though, so they were probably more willing to give her those shifts because of that.
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