Archived Coachings/Corrective Actions discussion

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Jun 27, 2011
One thing I don't understand is the culture of coachings = bad. At my store, coachings are the devil, and I think it's partly because the TLs and ETLs make it out that way.

For example, TM Scotty gets coached for not signing out keys. That I'm ok with, because it's a simple mistake, and you can talk to him about how it's important to sign out stuff, etc. I've seen this happen in my store, and Scotty was extremely upset, until I told him that coachings aren't necessarily a bad thing. They are called coachings to help TM/TL be better at their job. It's also documentation in case the TM does it again, which hopefully he won't.

And for another example, TM Billy never shows up for work and in many ways screws over the already bare staff that does show up. Well he gets coached, and even though what Billy does is way worse than Scotty, their punishment is essentially the same. Also, more often than not, Billy will continue to not show up for work until something legit is done about it, like a corrective action or final warning.

So I guess my question for team leaders and team members here, what is your stores view on coachings? Is it bad? Are they comparable to being sent to the principal's office in first grade? How does your team use coachings/corrective actions? What are the differences?

where do you draw the line for coachings/corrective action?
that's how they act at my store, my tl was probably saying too much to me as a tm, but she told me our etl brought up a problem at our store that we needed corporate grace to fix and that they got dinged on it and were red for that aspect in the visit...

I said sooooo what? I'd rather be red and get that crap fixed. It chips away at our times and moral...and then my stupid teamleader just sat there in silence like herp is good red is bad. So it's whatever i don't care any more.
My team focuses first on a seek to understand before pursuing a coaching/corrective action. It's nice that they investigate and get the whole picture before taking action!
My team focuses first on a seek to understand before pursuing a coaching/corrective action. It's nice that they investigate and get the whole picture before taking action!

Ours is more of a "coach first & ask questions later" kind of approach.
Wish I was at your store, tho.
My team focuses first on a seek to understand before pursuing a coaching/corrective action. It's nice that they investigate and get the whole picture before taking action!

I think ours is too for the most part, and I think that sends a bad message sometimes.

For example, let's say a TL leaves a reasonable list of things to do for me, and I didn't complete the list. Personally, unless it was a rare/extreme case (such as getting pulled by the LOD), I would be ok if I was coached for not completing the list. I mean it would suck because I know my TL wasn't satisfied, but now there's documentation on me not being able to finish my job just in case this becomes the regular for me. I know that if my TL leaves a reasonable list of things to do, I should make sure it gets done no matter what.

Anyone get what I'm trying to say?
Ours is more of a "coach first & ask questions later" kind of approach.
Wish I was at your store, tho.

My store is coach happy as well, coaching are like GTCs you do them for everything so they end up meaning nothing.
I think ours is too for the most part, and I think that sends a bad message sometimes.

For example, let's say a TL leaves a reasonable list of things to do for me, and I didn't complete the list. Personally, unless it was a rare/extreme case (such as getting pulled by the LOD), I would be ok if I was coached for not completing the list. I mean it would suck because I know my TL wasn't satisfied, but now there's documentation on me not being able to finish my job just in case this becomes the regular for me. I know that if my TL leaves a reasonable list of things to do, I should make sure it gets done no matter what.

Anyone get what I'm trying to say?

I get it. I WANT to be held accountable for my job. I want someone to care if I show up and do my work or if I slack and mess around. Its nice to know that someone is aware you even exist and want to follow up to give you credit for work or better direction for next time. When our store first opened i would often go home wondering if anyone noticed me all day or if anyone in managment remebered my name. I have run through a cycle of ever changing team leads and the current one is my favorite. She is my fav because i know that if im late.... Ill hear from her.... If i mess up.... She will want an explaination! She is fair and would always hear the story and keep her temper, but she doesnt ignore things. Just because it is a low wage job at a dumpy grocery store doesn't mean we shouldn't have standards and expectations for ourselves.

At my store sometimes coaching and things are a little ridiculous, but I just do my work and have had no issues, so things are pretty fair.
this bugs me in my store. i hear tl/etl making excuses for people all the time for not getting their stuff done because they're on a certain team, they're not in that tl/etl's alignment, they hang out, etc.

coachings and contributions should be used to document good and bad. you're coaching your team, just like you would a baseball team. only difference is you have a paper trail instead of stats. it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the team if you had someone being lazy and nothing ever happened, or if you had a rock star and all they got was a great team card. theoretically, when the tl turns in their contribution, they should have 2 coachings.... one for their top performer documenting the training and preparation the person utilized to make them great along with personalized recognition and another for the needs attention person documenting if they need more training or just a verbal "slap" to get their mojo going again. :hang1:
this bugs me in my store. i hear tl/etl making excuses for people all the time for not getting their stuff done because they're on a certain team, they're not in that tl/etl's alignment, they hang out, etc.

coachings and contributions should be used to document good and bad. you're coaching your team, just like you would a baseball team. only difference is you have a paper trail instead of stats. it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the team if you had someone being lazy and nothing ever happened, or if you had a rock star and all they got was a great team card. theoretically, when the tl turns in their contribution, they should have 2 coachings.... one for their top performer documenting the training and preparation the person utilized to make them great along with personalized recognition and another for the needs attention person documenting if they need more training or just a verbal "slap" to get their mojo going again. :hang1:

Well said
coachings and corrective action can vary from region to region store to store dept to dept. Generally speaking they aren't handled very well according to most, and many believe a high degree of favortism and discrimination goes along with it.
One thing I don't understand is the culture of coachings = bad. At my store, coachings are the devil, and I think it's partly because the TLs and ETLs make it out that way.

For example, TM Scotty gets coached for not signing out keys. That I'm ok with, because it's a simple mistake, and you can talk to him about how it's important to sign out stuff, etc. I've seen this happen in my store, and Scotty was extremely upset, until I told him that coachings aren't necessarily a bad thing. They are called coachings to help TM/TL be better at their job. It's also documentation in case the TM does it again, which hopefully he won't.

And for another example, TM Billy never shows up for work and in many ways screws over the already bare staff that does show up. Well he gets coached, and even though what Billy does is way worse than Scotty, their punishment is essentially the same. Also, more often than not, Billy will continue to not show up for work until something legit is done about it, like a corrective action or final warning.

So I guess my question for team leaders and team members here, what is your stores view on coachings? Is it bad? Are they comparable to being sent to the principal's office in first grade? How does your team use coachings/corrective actions? What are the differences?

where do you draw the line for coachings/corrective action?
you are one of the very few who think things are fair so hopefully they will come to realize that and makes some changes and improve the way they treat their employees
I get it. I WANT to be held accountable for my job. I want someone to care if I show up and do my work or if I slack and mess around. Its nice to know that someone is aware you even exist and want to follow up to give you credit for work or better direction for next time. When our store first opened i would often go home wondering if anyone noticed me all day or if anyone in managment remebered my name. I have run through a cycle of ever changing team leads and the current one is my favorite. She is my fav because i know that if im late.... Ill hear from her.... If i mess up.... She will want an explaination! She is fair and would always hear the story and keep her temper, but she doesnt ignore things. Just because it is a low wage job at a dumpy grocery store doesn't mean we shouldn't have standards and expectations for ourselves.

At my store sometimes coaching and things are a little ridiculous, but I just do my work and have had no issues, so things are pretty fair.
How many times do you coach someone on the same issue before you partner with your etl to move to cca?
It depends on the issue. Sometimes it's if they are showing a pattern, sometimes after one coaching, some straight to CA, etc.
While we're at it, hey ETL how about not doing the freaking coaching in the middle of the damn store while half the team is standing nearby.
I'm the first person to take responsibility for my actions and been talked to only once a year since I started with this company (most of those have been for not taking my breaks).
My personal life is not an excuse but I've had a lot on mind a lately so if I forgot to put away a flat it is my fault however ...
don't do a formal coaching in front of everybody.
It's unprofessional, nonproductive and just pisses people off.
And if you don't want to admit that it was a coaching than don't call over a TL and a STL to witness and wrap things up with "do you understand what I've told you?".
/end rant
sounds like an ETL gettin his/her chops busted for not being accountable, and then trying to show off in front of peers to make a point. don't sweat it. your stl probably knows what an ass this person is anyway.

my etl announced to my entire peer group last year that i was his bottom performer for the month, along with a list of grievances. he couldn't understand why i was embarrassed.
sounds like an ETL gettin his/her chops busted for not being accountable, and then trying to show off in front of peers to make a point. don't sweat it. your stl probably knows what an ass this person is anyway.

my etl announced to my entire peer group last year that i was his bottom performer for the month, along with a list of grievances. he couldn't understand why i was embarrassed.

Wow. That's just....
Even when I was GSA giving someone feedback, I sure as h*ll didn't do it in front of peers. Exception being when I called several together & said "We ALL need to be ....." so it wasn't singling someone out.
But, hey, I'm just a peon.
sounds like an ETL gettin his/her chops busted for not being accountable, and then trying to show off in front of peers to make a point. don't sweat it. your stl probably knows what an ass this person is anyway.

my etl announced to my entire peer group last year that i was his bottom performer for the month, along with a list of grievances. he couldn't understand why i was embarrassed.

Blast him back & prove it!
While we're at it, hey ETL how about not doing the freaking coaching in the middle of the damn store while half the team is standing nearby.
I'm the first person to take responsibility for my actions and been talked to only once a year since I started with this company (most of those have been for not taking my breaks).
My personal life is not an excuse but I've had a lot on mind a lately so if I forgot to put away a flat it is my fault however ...
don't do a formal coaching in front of everybody.
It's unprofessional, nonproductive and just pisses people off.
And if you don't want to admit that it was a coaching than don't call over a TL and a STL to witness and wrap things up with "do you understand what I've told you?".
/end rant

Once I got called out in public, and I let my TL have it. I like them a lot, but I wasn't going to let them make me look bad in front of everyone for something that was out of my control. Looking back on it, I probably came off as childish and it might have been so, but come on. This is retail. Don't try to play games to make yourself look awesome at the expense of others and don't act shocked when someone calls you out on your BS.
Some TLs at my store are good at coaching without making you feel uncomfortable.

Theres a few though that when they coach you, you're left in a pissed off mood for the rest of the day.

I wish they'd understand that coaching is supposed to be a good thing (in most cases), and not make you feel like ****.
How many times do you coach someone on the same issue before you partner with your etl to move to cca?

The culture we are working to apply is a consistent 3 times in a 90 period for the same issue leads to CCA. Obviously you have to apply some common sense on when to adjust that schedule, but it helps our TM's to know what to expect.
The culture we are working to apply is a consistent 3 times in a 90 period for the same issue leads to CCA. Obviously you have to apply some common sense on when to adjust that schedule, but it helps our TM's to know what to expect.

that's a great guideline if your store isn't coaching consistently.
however, if they are being disrespectful and rude to another tm, i push for counseling first time. same thing for ncns. i inherited a team of loud mouths with big egos, all whom i love dearly. the productivity and training i could work on, but i told them outright i would not work with a disrespectful team and i would not tolerate it. they've grown so much over the last year professionally and personally, i'm so proud 😀
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