Archived Coolers went down for a couple hours

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Jan 21, 2014
The coolers went down the other day and we trashed everything that was in cooler, meat room, produce and on the floor. It took a little more then 2hrs for the STL & HR to make a decision on what to do. So with the cooler is completely empty with nothing in it and your got a fresh start at setting up the cooler the right way. Instead of just putting items in what ever box and shelf. So when the new order came in to fill the shelfs on the floor. I was doing the backstock in the coolers and i scaned something and it said it was in a box in section A. I walked down to A and looked in the box. And little to behold the once empty cooler had stuff already missing. The PDA said it was in a box in A. But it wasn't. It's the little things in life that make you wonder.
Sounds like a mispick? Or maybe a ghost if you were backstocking. Power outages plus perishable food never makes for a fun day. That happened to us last summer, but luckily it was right before our Pfresh remodel or else it would have been catastrophic.
The cooler was completely empty. It had about 2 rows of stuff in it of items that couldn't go out. After the power came back on.
I once came in to the BR freezer alarm going off and the temp was about 40. LOD said keep it closed for a while.
I once came in to the BR freezer alarm going off and the temp was about 40. LOD said keep it closed for a while.
If the alarm goes off/temp gets that high they should have been getting a phone call from the people that monitor that. We would get those a fair amount for ones out on the floor.
Gotta love those ELTs. Sounds very similar to the ETL LOG I had to put up with.
That's what I thought. Who do they call when the store is closed? Wouldn't someone know what happened?
That happens to us about once every six weeks. One set of coolers goes down and we've got nothing for a few days.
How long did it go down for? Aren't they good for like...8 hours or something?

edit: I mean the backroom, coolers/freezer.
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