Archived Cosmetics revisions totally wonky?

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Jun 4, 2016
This is the first time I have been motivated to post after lurking for a long time. Loreal and Maybelline revisions did not send strips for hanging items and changed the schematics for hanging from f's to p's. Now signing and product are alternating p1 p2 etc. I am so frustrated! They had for once changed something to make it easier and faster and now have managed to screw it all up again. Did anyone else notice or try to my support? Thanks for letting me vent!
This is the first time I have been motivated to post after lurking for a long time. Loreal and Maybelline revisions did not send strips for hanging items and changed the schematics for hanging from f's to p's. Now signing and product are alternating p1 p2 etc. I am so frustrated! They had for once changed something to make it easier and faster and now have managed to screw it all up again. Did anyone else notice or try to my support? Thanks for letting me vent!

It's jacked up? I would have only noticed if it was right.
I saw a post about it today on workbench... However we had already set them and only noticed a couple location issues so... Oops.
We already had ours done before the workbench thing was posted. There is an update on workbench as of today saying that they are going to reissue them as pogs. It said to use the revision paperwork to set them because nothing will change and not to tear down the whole aisle. They will be adding hours to that weeks adjacency calender to support the fixes.
Anyone else having problems with maybelline and revlon products that are part of the new revisions still being clearance? I have some eye shadows and lipsticks that have locations in the new set and are coming off the truck as clearance.
Yes there was a post on workbench about how they either sent the wrong label strips or the schematics are messed up (explaining the P's instead of F's with the locations). It said to hold off on the revision but ours is already done lol. Just make do with the current schematics and all the weird stuff, it'll be fixed by next week
My Plano team works a week ahead, so they got all these revisions done, before we learned of this news lol.
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