Archived Death of FFF (mostly the fun part)

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Sales floor TL
Jun 8, 2011
So my store had a visit from our new RVP. He mentioned our offstage brand was horrible. By horrible this was "un brand signs hanging in the TL office" These unbrand signs were ISMs. Like the bullseye bodega.. Up and up arrows.. Bullseyes... Archer farms... This kept the office lively and fun. We are now left with empty walls. Empty cork boards and empty desks. While neater yes.. This is very discouraging to the whole team. Team members are even commenting how boring it is. I realize this is from regional. But c'mon... Fast fun and friendly is what sets us apart from our competitors. If you take that away.. What do we have?

Sincerely, a very discouraged TL.
My store's DTL is quite strict on how offstage shared areas like the breakroom, TSC, and TL office look at our store. That can get a little frustrating, especially when we are trying to promote FFF things like Redcard games or attachment challenges, but there is Target approved decor and displays available for these areas. You don't have to resort to only blank walls and desks. And we (don't tell anyone!) often just hide stuff when we know he's coming, which we almost always do.
I guess the idea is that if the backroom isn't neat as a pin and brand as hell than the front can't be.
It's kind of an extension of the broken window idea of law enforcement, if there is a broken window in the abandoned building then pretty soon there's going to be tagging and after that worse crime.
Of course it's all been pretty much been proven to be pure drek but that doesn't stop them.
upstairs our postings regarding games and fun stuff must have a bulls eye. So we save the extras from anniversary envelopes to make them 'brand'.

I remember being told that the Target racing signs I had posted were not brand - really?

just a spoonful of bulls eye makes the medicine go down ... no more kool-aid!
Hmmm I see a lot of non brand signing/notices at my store then! Lot of the stuff doesn't have red / bullseyes on it.. haha.

@OP, sorry to hear the RVP rained on your guys parade, sounded like a fun TL office 😉
Not to say you should actively disregard a RVP, but if you started putting things up again, how would they know? How often does anyone ever get a visit from someone that high up in their store?
Not to say you should actively disregard a RVP, but if you started putting things up again, how would they know? How often does anyone ever get a visit from someone that high up in their store?

Screw that, I WILL say that you should actively disregard the RVP on this. He clearly has no idea what he's doing. The policy says we shouldn't, sure, but it's a bad policy and shouldn't be followed. If hanging TARGET ISM in OFFSTAGE AREAS makes the team happy, there is absolutely no reason not to do it. Period. What ever happened to FFF?
If they don't want you hanging stuff like that up, then maybe they can send you something corporate-approved to hang instead. Nobody likes looking at blank walls.
Then again, this is coming from corporate, so of course it doesn't make sense.
i have framed pics above my desks of groups from the store during fun stuff and art piece that my old etl brought me from a tropical vacay. i also have pics, a fountain on my desk. im threatening to put up those fake stick on wall clings that are windows. its way too grim in offstage spot. 🙁
In my district, we had to take all that stuff down. The reason is, to look professional.

same. the TLs can't even have any kind of paperwork on their desks. what's that? the POG team wants their planos in the morning? good luck finding them! they get hidden in a new spot every day since if they heaven-forbid appear in a neat stack somewhere in sight they will get trashed by the ETLHR. good job.
I'll probably get some flack for saying this but... Why does it matter? If they told me to no longer have stuff on my desk I wouldn't really care? How much time do we really spend at our desks, most of our actual "paperwork" should be getting done on the salesfloor (BWs) or on a computer anyway...
No rock lobster i agree with u. It just sucks at my store the team leaders have to share desks only the execs get their own. Some of my peers are inconsiderate they clutter up the desks with personal pics of their kids, pets, spouses,etc. Its annoying they dont understand maybe not everyone wants to see pics of fat chihuahuas or parakeets. If its their own desk and they want to have pics thats totally fine.
not brand my ass. aside from the doesnt give a **** applicant who may walk past them to the HR office for an interview who cares?
I did some extra training in a store that had a a huge poster congratulating their bakery for being #1 in the company the previous month. It was signed by all of the ETLs. The morale of that store was so positive. I asked my trainer if their DTL knew about the sign. He said they did this kind of thing all of the time and the DTL was totally supportive. Instead of constantly harping about "the scores" they made sure that the positive things were highlighted just as much. I really like this approach. Sure we all know which numbers are most important this year (our focus seems to change every 4 years of so) and we try to get them into the green. But why not celebrate the wins that we all have too? We need to blow our own horn sometimes. If we don't no one will notice.
No rock lobster i agree with u. It just sucks at my store the team leaders have to share desks only the execs get their own. Some of my peers are inconsiderate they clutter up the desks with personal pics of their kids, pets, spouses,etc. Its annoying they dont understand maybe not everyone wants to see pics of fat chihuahuas or parakeets. If its their own desk and they want to have pics thats totally fine.

Our HR TMs get their own space for pictures, etc., but the only space that any TL owns is their drawer.
This is my point. It's too inconsistent globally. And in response to why my desk woul be cluttered it's not. Sales planners are in the drawer as per best practice. The only paperwork I have is any upcoming transitions in my area (paper, pets, and frames) everything else is or was something that was from Target. Old ISM signage etc.

Overall I'm over it. My ETL HR is new in position so she obviously wants to do everything by the books.. I don't blame her I'd do the same thing. Not mad at her at all. (she was my old ETL GE in another store so we go back a ways). Thanks for all your points of views and opinions team.
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