Archived Deli

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Former GSA
Dec 29, 2014
So soon I'll be cross-training in deli, which I'm super stoked about for a lot of reasons. I'd really like to do well so that they continue to schedule me over there. However, I honestly have not much of a clue about their processes. I did work in a Randall's deli for about two weeks once, but quit cuz I couldn't balance it with my other job. I remember it being more demanding than I thought it would be. Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, or any insight whatsoever into what it will hold for me?
I've never been in a Target with a Deli. However, I worked in a grocery store and had worked in the Deli department for a little bit. Personally, I didn't like it. I just thought it was gross and greasy and really hot. And I always smelt like fried chicken. It's also just REALLY busy all the time. So my advice would be to brace yourself to work hard. Maybe do some stretches and wear some good shoes. I'm assuming you're required to wear slip resistant foot wear. Red Wing shoes sell some pretty good work shoes. Other than that, it's all guest service, so same as usual. Most guests are fine. Some are annoying and will make weird, specific requests. People never know how to line up at the counter, so try and keep an eye out for when people come up to the counter. If you can handle the guests, you're good.

I was better suited for the Butcher area. It's just easier to clean there because you can just spray everything down with a hose basically. Haha. I also really enjoyed being a cake decorator.
Do you know what times you'll likely be working? Deli at my store usually has people scheduled from 5am-9:30pm. I'm going to go ahead and jump right into it. If you have any specific questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them as best as I can.

In the morning is when most of the production is supposed to get done. Evidently we're "supposed" to be done with everything by 10am *cue laugh track* but that never happens, except if we might have a visit that afternoon. There are sandwiches, salads, and snackers+bentos. You will learn the recipes and will probably memorize some of them depending on what you make the most and what sells the most. For example, I can make most of the cup snackers by memory and several of the square snackers as well. Your deli should have a binder or multiple binders filled with recipe cards. You will learn more about all this when you start, including where all the ingredients are and what you will need to pull from the floor, etc.

The fryers are turned on as soon as you get there (I believe. I haven't opened in a while and my memory's rusty.), but usually not used until about 10am. There are instructions on when and how much to cook. At my store, we don't use this. We just make sure the hot case stays stocked and fresh. Continuing on the subject of chicken... the oven roasted chickens will probably frustrate you at one point or another. You absolutely cannot run out of them between 4pm and 7pm, so you have to cook them according to how many will probably sell that day. Thankfully, we sell cold chickens so over cooking is actually SOP.

Cleaning near the end of the night is what I've been doing the most of. If I come in at 4pm, I check the sink for dishes and empty the nasty bakery/sushi water from the dishwasher. There's usually one person with me at this time, so one of us slices for guests and starts the last cook while the other gets dishes going (if they're not already done). If stuff for making snackers is still out, I just put it all away. No use trying to make any more after 4pm unless you have 3-4 people at that moment. Shutting down the fryers is an important task in the evenings, as well as that once a week oil dump.

I'm going to leave the subject of Steritech alone for now, because I'm not confident that I can explain it well enough right now. Just know that they will be the bane of your existence, probably.

So, a breakdown of sorts.
  • production: salads, snackers, and sandwiches (all very time-consuming) as well as any ordered party trays
  • qmos
  • first cook
  • working out the truck/pulls
  • slicing meat and cheese for guests
  • weekly/monthly cleaning tasks if at all possible
  • more cooking
  • probably snackers and party trays
  • more slicing
  • maybe some cleaning
  • more truck/pulls
  • cold chicken
  • last cook
  • even more slicing
  • daily cleaning tasks (very time-consuming)
  • at least a few dishes to wash
  • maybe some pulls
  • quick zone of the cold case
Make friends with Starbucks, produce, and bakery. Play nice. You might end up with free (expired) goodies and/or help. Going to leave this as is for now and will make a note at the bottom when/if I update this.
Thanks @Deli Ninja ! That was really informative and helpful. I'm unsure as of the times ill be working when they do put me over there, but if I have any questions I will let you know!
You're always welcome to PM me, too, if you're afraid that part of your question might give away too-specific information.
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