Archived Difference in paygrade from guest svc tm to GSA?

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Aug 20, 2011
Does anyone know the difference in paygrade from a guest service TM to a GSA? When I asked my ETL GE he said he thought it was about 25 cents per hour more, but I have also heard it's more like 50 cents per hour. Just wondering if it's even worth the aggravation and stress to consider making a move!
Reference Rock Lobster's chart below. GSA is + $0.50. I am speaking from experience, as I received + $0.25 going from SF to Photo, and another + $0.25 from photo to GSA.

StateofTarget is sort of right... here is the paygrade chart (or at least most of what I know off the top of my head)
N3 (Base Wage) = Salesfloor TMs, Guest Service TMs, and CAs
N5 (Base Wage + .25) = More specialized positions such as Photo, Instocks, Pricing, and some brand TMs
N7 (Base Wage + .50) = Logistics positions, presentation in most stores, GSAs
N9 (Base Wage + 1.00) = Old specialist level, now just Deli TMs, Perishables Assistants and some random positions left over
N11 (Base Wage + 2.00?... I am not sure because the only PG11 position I even know of is Cake Decorator)
N13 (Base Wage + 3.00) = Team Leaders
N15 (Base Wage + 4.00?... Negotiable when you reach these levels) = Key Carrier TLs, Specialized Food TLs, APTLs
N17 (Negotiable and depends on area...) = Senior TLs

Now the weird thing about PGs is that some stores will differ in special circumstances... The most common is Presentation being a PG5 or PG7 because some stores may have the workload differ (allocating alot of the backroom workload away from the team)... Some stores just have trouble hiring all around, and will sometimes make ALL positions PG7 if needed...
Thanks! That's more in line with what the other GSA's have told me; I will check with my HR to make sure. If it was only going to be 25 cents more there is no way I was going to consider it.
It could depend on where you live too. I received a dollar raise moving from photo to GSA.

Ehh its more likely a store thing... I would say 90% of stores will follow the corporate PG chart... The other stores make exceptions such as this one if they are having serious issues filling certain positions! But these situations are few and far between
Thanks! That's more in line with what the other GSA's have told me; I will check with my HR to make sure. If it was only going to be 25 cents more there is no way I was going to consider it.

Yeah, I looked at what other positions were PG7, and figured in comparison it wasn't worth it to take on that job! If you really needed a platform to promote from, then I would take GSA or MMB Brand TM... otherwise I took Dayside BR to get that same pay for less responsibility! I promoted to TL from BR and I am a strong believer that if you have leadership potential it will show from whatever position you are holding!
the difference between a pay grade 3 and pay grade 17 is 5.00, so while some pay grades are 25 cents, most are 50 cents or more. I believe you are probably a PG 3 now and going to a PG 7 I think.
Does anyone know the difference in paygrade from a guest service TM to a GSA? When I asked my ETL GE he said he thought it was about 25 cents per hour more, but I have also heard it's more like 50 cents per hour. Just wondering if it's even worth the aggravation and stress to consider making a move!
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