if you haven't read the wall street journal its said that target might be losing its appeal with its core customer base, the company is focusing on food and lower prices that our core customer(higher end guest) feels that target appeal (nice looking home goods and good quality clothes)is not what it used to be..investors are worried that we are not focusing in on our big profit margins (home goods and apparel) and we are at risk or already in alienating our customers and losing them to kohl's and macys since we have posted weak sales in those key areas and have posted weak increase store comps compared to macys that just posted a 7 percent comp..SO I WAS WONDERING WHAT DO YOU THINK IS TARGET IN THE RIGHT TRACK FOCUSING ON FOOD WITH PFRESH OR IS TARGET HEADING THE WRONG DIRECTION?
in my opinion 400 remodels does affect company sales...my city is going threw pfresh and some stores that already have finish their remodel have outperform what the company expected. yes at most store sales are affected but our bp have said that those decreases are quickly dissolve once pfresh is done in a store...now i don't know what to make of that article because in my store right now 7 of our top 10 departments are in soft-lines with comps sales beating last yr..oh and btw my store in not done with remodel...so we will be done in end of july just in time for bts..which all of you know thats soft-lines biggest time of the year=)
in my opinion 400 remodels does affect company sales...my city is going threw pfresh and some stores that already have finish their remodel have outperform what the company expected. yes at most store sales are affected but our bp have said that those decreases are quickly dissolve once pfresh is done in a store...now i don't know what to make of that article because in my store right now 7 of our top 10 departments are in soft-lines with comps sales beating last yr..oh and btw my store in not done with remodel...so we will be done in end of july just in time for bts..which all of you know thats soft-lines biggest time of the year=)