Archived Do you think they looked this up before they used it?

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
I've been putting up the signing for the new denim line and all I can think of is a line from a fantasy book I was reading "The krakan is a denizen of the deep."

Definition of DENIZEN

1: inhabitant <denizens of the forest
(so druids or nymphs wear denizen jeans?)

2: a person admitted to residence in a foreign country; especially : an alien admitted to rights of citizenship
(or all the Indian computer scientists?)

3: one that frequents a place <nightclub denizens>
(ah, here we go, it's the angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night that Levi's is trying to sell jeans to)
From the Levi Strauss & Co. website:

"The dENiZEN™ name means “inhabitant” -- belonging to a community of family and friends. Denim is in the name, the heart of the brand." 🙂
Yeh, too bad Levi is no longer made in the Heartland.
I remember reading about the closing of the last plant & a lady who'd worked there for 20+ yrs got a denim bag & her severence. She sold the bag on ebay.
I've been putting up the signing for the new denim line and all I can think of is a line from a fantasy book I was reading "The krakan is a denizen of the deep."

Definition of DENIZEN

1: inhabitant <denizens of the forest
(so druids or nymphs wear denizen jeans?)

2: a person admitted to residence in a foreign country; especially : an alien admitted to rights of citizenship
(or all the Indian computer scientists?)

3: one that frequents a place <nightclub denizens>
(ah, here we go, it's the angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night that Levi's is trying to sell jeans to)

definitely, they looked it up. it's #2. you know they're made in bangladesh/vietnam/india and are now home to the good ol' us of a. sounds like citizenship to me! :thumbsup:
definitely, they looked it up. it's #2. you know they're made in bangladesh/vietnam/india and are now home to the good ol' us of a. sounds like citizenship to me! :thumbsup:

This is so much better then anything I thought of it should have been the thread starter.
I know what they are trying to repurpose the word into but I've only ever seen it used in its darker sense.
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