Archived does your store have self-checkouts?

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Mine does. Helps sometimes. Still lots of calls for backups. Also we had to hire a new gsa so that they could cover self checkout as well.
We have Self Check Outs, and I'm really glad we do. One person can keep them running smoothly as long as a bunch of people don't try and go through at once with full carts. Plus, I love being able to go through them during my breaks since I am usually a lot faster than any of our cashiers.
So a quick question. How do you do Cartwheel on them? Or can you, as a matter of fact.
We have them. Got them in around April. I love them.
Guests say that they take jobs away from cashiers, but we almost always had two cashiers on at any given time anyways, so now it's just less calls for backup.
We have 4. It helps, right up until guests have issues with them, then they are a pain in the neck. We have a cashier that does nothing but watch the SCO lanes from open to close. Our friendly neighborhood coupon fraudsters used to take advantage of the busy times and ram a bunch of fraudulent coupons through the machines while the cashier was busy helping others. Finally the DTL came in and told the GSTL to tape up the coupon slots and put out the signs, no coupons at SCOs. If you have a coupon, please go to a regular checkout lane.
We are the only one in our region with self check out. I believe.
Who's checking bob and Lisa at these check outs ???

Bob =. bottom of basket

Lisa = look inside always.

I see boxes of shoes filled with fit bits and such.

Lol bob and lisa was a trivia question at our huddle.
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