Archived Does your store make flow warm up for work?

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Jan 26, 2013
Our store makes us do gym exercises for 2min. You get coached for not doing them. So really lazy or obese people have been getting mad lately
Is your store red for safety?
We went through that when we had a couple of people go out for back injuries and the store became a safety focus store.
When I first started we did it, we also were red for safety. But now we are no longer red and like someone said we don't have time for that
We used to do it , even had a nutrition / coach come in every Wednesday ( wellness Wednesday ) ....
Didn't last long !
Focus store / red on safety too !
We did once. And it was never mentioned again.
At the huddles the safety captain tells us to make sure we warm up, ask for team lifts, all...nobody does and nobody corrects them. We don't even have enough people on the team to rotate throwers.
At one point, the ETL-Log thought it would be a good idea to walk the racetrack twice after clocking in. This lasted all of about 2 weeks before they stopped caring. As a thrower, I would always stretch extensively before I started working. Normally, I would show up before the flow TL got there in the morning and stretch out on a cart corral. Doing so made throwing the truck about 100x easier for me.
lol My store has only 3 people that can quickly throw the truck. Me and two other people. Throwing a 2700+ truck in the burning heat is not fun.

Oh, and I think my store is the second worst safety in the country TM wise. Hell, someone broke their foot yesterday, and someone else threw out their back 4 days ago.

Thing though is when I got hired 2 1/2 years ago, we were green and still did warm ups. Watching big people atempt jumping jacks is kinda funny tho
My store is going through the whole warm up things ...its a phase and usually doesn't last that long . However, at my store they don't even wait for you to clock in before they start wanting you to stretch etc...I mean literally right there at the time least let me clock in first .
Warmups? No time for that, we have unload goals to beat! Its the same reason why that yellow step stool is stashed in some forgotten corner of receiving side and only mentioned when some relevant safety topic is a thing (but never, ever enforced). Warming up would also require everyone scheduled for 6a to actually show up on time. And that's just silly.
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