Archived Dress Code Question

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Jul 8, 2015
Can I wear solid black pants or am I going to get tossed in front of a train. I'm pale as all get out and just honestly just hate khaki. I'm going to be a Visual Manager, orientation is tomorrow. Also I live in CA, so I know certain rules don't apply.
The current handbook says solid color pants and red shirt. But the preferred color of pant is khaki/tan/light brown.
I just didnt want to start off, pissing off HR, since I've read it can be an issue for certain stores. :)
@RhettB is right; technically, the TM handbook says solid colored pants and a red shirt.

However, wear red and khaki. There's really no need for a contrarian attitude. You'll only isolate yourself, which is the opposite of what you want to be doing, especially being in a newly created role like Visual Merchandiser. If you're in fact a Visual Merchandising Leader then you'll technically be leadership in the building, so this would all apply doubly so.
There are various shades of tan khaki. Some are almost brown. Aim for those if you don't like light, but I agree: Black is gonna start you off on the wrong foot.
I get it,I just honestly am uncomfortable in the color.I'm sure it sounds stupid to some, but if its an issue which it sounds like it is.Then I guess its not worth it in the end.
Whatever you do - don't wear a kilt!


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I think it's the red socks that really make it scream.
I'm in California and my store's ETL-HR is trying to crack down on people wearing black. In fact, they're starting to coach for it. I realize in other states these TMs wouldn't have a case, but I think since CA is an exception because of stricter laws I'm shocked no one has called the hotline on our store yet.
Hmm thats interesting. We have about 10 stores or so in a 20 mile radius and I can't tell you how different each store seems to be dress code wise. From shorts, to the dreaded black pants,to pink and green hair. So I'm just going to feel it out and go from there.Thanks to all that responded.
I'm in CA as well. I came to Target as a seasonal TM. As soon as I was made permanent, I stopped wearing khaki. All I wear is black pants. There have been a few isolated incidents where temporary TLs would try and enforce khaki only, but nothing ever stuck.

Yes, unfortunately, "playing the game" and thus doing as your told is probably the safest thing to do. But I say fuck that! Meet them in the middle if you must. If you don't wear khaki, then wear some nice slacks, or some other professional looking pants.
@misslita just fyi, shorts are allowed for cart attendants and flow. And colored hair isn't against the dress code.
@misslita just fyi, shorts are allowed for cart attendants and flow. And colored hair isn't against the dress code.

Yep! One of our former TLs used to have brightly colored hair. I think it's pretty cool when people in those positions embrace the flexibility of the dress code.
Also our store enforces khaki only. They made me have a seek to understand with one of my team members for black pants. That was food ave though and our dress code posters I believe do specify khaki.
You can always try having a conversation with leadership and asking a pointed question about this. "ASANTS" (all stores are not the same) as people say around here. Your store may be fairly lax about this. My store really pushes khaki thing, as well as the shorts thing, but they basically dont care if flow or backroom wear hats even though we aren't supposed to.
Pink and green hair isn't against policy. I think we have 2 females and one male with some bright color in their hair. As long as they don't paint something offensive in their hair it's all good to go.

Try and wear the darkest color khaki you can. I've seen ETLS wear khakis that are almost brown. They're still khakis, and might make you feel better about being a little pale. Plus when you come in with street clothes everyone's gonna be like "wow you look so good out of khakis" lol. It happens to all of us.
You could get away with it, but trust me, it's not worth the fight to give HR a reason to hate you.
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