We keep a binder, and everyday has a sheet during the week! If you get a certain amount of accessories in electronics for an entire day, whoever worked that entire day in electronics gets a prize! Set the goal low so its attainable at first, and as they get better move it up... Remember that a lot of things are weighed differently back there (I think cameras make up a big part of the score) so maybe make some sort of point system for the team? Like each camera accessory is worth double or something like that... I know we have something like that in my store and we are #1 in the group!
We keep a binder, and everyday has a sheet during the week! If you get a certain amount of accessories in electronics for an entire day, whoever worked that entire day in electronics gets a prize! Set the goal low so its attainable at first, and as they get better move it up... Remember that a lot of things are weighed differently back there (I think cameras make up a big part of the score) so maybe make some sort of point system for the team? Like each camera accessory is worth double or something like that... I know we have something like that in my store and we are #1 in the group!