Archived Driving Accessory Attachments

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Oct 24, 2011
I became the electronics brand tm not too long ago, and the one before me didn't really do much of anything. Looking for some fun/creative ways to drive accessory attachments among my team members. What do you all think?
I learned what the attachment items were and whats considered an accessory. Then I always tried to interact with a guest trying to learn what they are wanting to buy and figure out what their needs are.

I usually told guests that buying the 'so&so' accessory helps with quality, capacity, or the experience.

If a guest is buying a new camera, or moving from a 5Mp camera to 12Mp camera. They need a memory card with lots of space. Since memory is fairly cheap now, or they love taking pictures they will need a high capacity card. And its better to use rechargeable batteries because you don't have to buy batteries all the time.

Printers. They only come with a sample cartridge and no USB cable. So suggest to them they will also need a USB cable and color/B&W cartridges.

Game systems. Always ask what games they like or like to play, or point out some new releases. If they like 2 or more player games, tell they need another controller.
If they are getting a Wii, show them all the different controller accessories and they help play the games easier.

DVD players or TVs. Always hype up how HDMI cables give better picture quality than using coaxial cables.
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What about like fun/friendly competitions to hold with my team members? There's always the "Whoever gets the most attachments in x amount of time wins this" and blah blah blah. I want to do something more creative than that!
The person that gets the most attachments gets to pick their shift for Black Friday.
We keep a binder, and everyday has a sheet during the week! If you get a certain amount of accessories in electronics for an entire day, whoever worked that entire day in electronics gets a prize! Set the goal low so its attainable at first, and as they get better move it up... Remember that a lot of things are weighed differently back there (I think cameras make up a big part of the score) so maybe make some sort of point system for the team? Like each camera accessory is worth double or something like that... I know we have something like that in my store and we are #1 in the group!
We keep a binder, and everyday has a sheet during the week! If you get a certain amount of accessories in electronics for an entire day, whoever worked that entire day in electronics gets a prize! Set the goal low so its attainable at first, and as they get better move it up... Remember that a lot of things are weighed differently back there (I think cameras make up a big part of the score) so maybe make some sort of point system for the team? Like each camera accessory is worth double or something like that... I know we have something like that in my store and we are #1 in the group!

I really like that idea, in the past I've had weekly contests between team members for most attachments, but perhaps if they're working towards a daily goal together it'll make for better results, thanks!
We keep a binder, and everyday has a sheet during the week! If you get a certain amount of accessories in electronics for an entire day, whoever worked that entire day in electronics gets a prize! Set the goal low so its attainable at first, and as they get better move it up... Remember that a lot of things are weighed differently back there (I think cameras make up a big part of the score) so maybe make some sort of point system for the team? Like each camera accessory is worth double or something like that... I know we have something like that in my store and we are #1 in the group!

Different item categories weigh differently? That's new to me. Is there somewhere we can look up the weights?

Would make sense why everyone's attachment rates got so FUBAR'd after the AAR change.
Thanks for the feedback!

Btw, between myself and 2 other team members today, we had 35 accessory attachments at 7:30, with 3 and a half hours left until close (meaning hopefully we squeezed in a few more). Not sure what everyone gets on a regular basis, but for us we probably get 7-15 on an average day. Stoked!
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