Archived ETL Logistics advice

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Jul 24, 2015
Hey everyone, i'm about to take on a logistics assignment in a red store. Any advice from etls/tms/tls on great ways to earn the respect from tms/tls? Im just trying to see if the fast/fun/friendly manager that target tells us to be is what works best, if not what does?Any other advice would be appreciated.
As a logistics TM, having a ETL who's actually around would be amazing. Especially when it comes to flow; ours seems to barely be around for trucks to the point where I'm not sure the new hires know who he is.
Be hands on. You can be an A-hole but if you're hands on, you'll win their respect. Also be knowledgeable and informative. Don't be soft or lenient, don't show favoritism even if you admire a TMs effort. Recognize them even if it's for something small, because one recognition can go a long way
At my last store the LOG ETL knew a lot about process and could answer questions knowledgeably when I asked him, but he rarely lifted a finger to actually do any work. Plus he was very arrogant.
At this store, the ETL works his butt off. He's right in there, elbow to elbow with the crew. He doesn't seem quite as knowledgable as my last one, but I'll take a hard worker over knowledge every single time.
I'm a flow tm and we are on our 2nd etl log in 6 months. From my perspective, on your first day on the floor get around and introduce yourself. Always have a presence on the floor. Work with the team once in a while pushing a pallet or on the line. Act like you are part of a team and not over a team. It will work wonders.
My previous ETL Log worked every day to turn our store around he threw the truck set expectations and was very srict I was happy he dealt with poor performers
My new ETL Log knows her stuff too but with Plano/PC /Br/ and in stocks Ill take care of the truck process so she can deal with her other work centers
Care about the process, talk to your people, especially your top performers, and don't be afraid to work. And sweat. These are the traits I look for in my ETLs.
Communicate - if they don't see you on the floor, they will assume you're sitting in the office sipping a cold margarita enjoying the [lack of] A/C. Work with them - I would always jump in the last aisle to help the TM finish to keep the wave moving. Throw the truck from time to time. Hold people accountable - EVERYONE knows the weakest link and they want you to hold them accountable. Feed them - rewards for meeting goals, beating times, or just because the last three trucks have been huge and everyone needs a thanks! See where you are when you get there and shoot for incremental improvement - if it takes you 2 hours to unload the truck, you won't be at 1 hour tomorrow, but 1:45 make be a realistic goal - celebrate small wins with the team. Logistics can be a lonely work center for TM's, especially if you're O/N - they need to see someone cares for them and that they are appreciated.

Know Best Practice - if you're taking a RED store, they will expect that you follow them to the "T" until you're green.

Take time for yourself - the store is guaranteed to open every morning, regardless of if Baby's, Home, or Sporting Goods was pushed - you won't fix it overnight, even if you work 17 hours a day. Don't do it....

I can agree with every post so far. There's clearly a common theme in these responses lol. You need to be hands on in the way you direct your team. Get right down in the work, get your hands dirty and show them the expectation. Your TLs and TMs will appreciate this alike. Also keep in mind how key recognition is. Make it a way of life. Recognize your teams hard work all the time verbally, also treat them to snacks in the breakroom w/e. Stay close with these guys. You have an enormous team to lead and you've got to be able to relate to all of them. Good luck I hope you turn that store green!
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My log etl is all about the truck. When the flow tl is out, he's right there leading the team. My pptl is off an entire week and a half and his idea of helping is asking me ... Are you guys going to get done? Gosh boss, thanks for taking an interest.

By the way, he has no idea what aisles are reverse and which are standard.
Hey everyone, i'm about to take on a logistics assignment in a red store. Any advice from etls/tms/tls on great ways to earn the respect from tms/tls? Im just trying to see if the fast/fun/friendly manager that target tells us to be is what works best, if not what does?Any other advice would be appreciated.

It depends on your team. A red store usually means that team has been beat up for quite some time and are probably not feeling the Target vibes. You will want to leverage your TLs (because your team already knows them) to make strong changes themselves even though its coming from you. You will need to work with the team as these changes get implemented and be the "supporter" who can field their questions and explain why your TL made the change. Once logistics is coming clean and winning, the team will be happy. Nothing is better for them then leaving knowing they got it all done everyday.
You will want to leverage your TLs (because your team already knows them) to make strong changes themselves even though its coming from you.
Rock Lobster has great advice. Just remember not to distance yourself from your TMs too much.
You will need to work with the team as these changes get implemented and be the "supporter" who can field their questions and explain why your TL made the change.
Great stuff. Very important step don't take this lightly.
Don't make sweeping changes immediately. Give it a week, see how things are done, then implement.

Focus on one thing at a time. There are a lot of moving parts in logistics, focus on fixing one thing at a time. Celebrate these small wins, and as you fix things one by one you're building morale. 2 completed items are better than 4 half completed ones.

Be hands on, in flow, backroom, pricing, and plano. Don't wrest control from your team lead, but don't just wash your hands of it either.

Be transparent. Tell your team the wins and the failures, ask for their input on how to fix things.

Most importantly, move on poor performers. A slow or poor performer on flow will drag your entire team down, and all of your non shit employees will love you for getting rid of the shitters.
If you say you are going to do something, do it!

Just had an ETL-LOG tell me that they would help rebuild a back room area so it was more useful. Fast forward three months: nothing has changed
As a logistics TM, having a ETL who's actually around would be amazing. Especially when it comes to flow; ours seems to barely be around for trucks to the point where I'm not sure the new hires know who he is.
What do you mean? what does your LOG ETL do all day then?
I was terminated on my first day of EIT, but im still curious.
Me too. @terminated , how do you get terminated on the first day?
Hm well, i'm a fresh out of college grad.
About a week ago it turned out my DTL got termed.
So, i show up for my first day at 0530 and im knocking at the door looking like a doofus(training for LOG) and the LOG TL opens the door.
Me: "Hey sir im the new guy, EIT for LOG im supposed to be training here"
Log TL(Through inaudible window): "Who?"
Me: "Yeah im supposed to be training here i have my packet and everything and its definitely this store..."
Log TL(Through inaudible window): "Who?"
Me: (rolls eyes, wow) "dude just open the door i have a target badge im not here to rob you"
Log TL(Through inaudible window): "Who You?"
Me: (Bangs on door once very loudly, scares him, he opens door to let me in)

I then asked where the ETL LOG was and he said he wasnt coming in today and i was like wow okay, so i just sat there awkwardly and eventually follow the PMT/SFT around for about 30 minutes helping him fix a hinge on some doors.
So then finally, the ETL-HR comes in and a sense of relief fills me up because i can finally be usefull.
Unfortunately, she has no idea what to do with me and says
"Just go do some lessons on the computer"
I respond "well i dont have a password miss"
She says "well just go to the backroom there is plenty to do"
Feeling the awkwardness of the situation I get out of the offices/tsc/whatever its called, and make way to the back.
I get to the backroom and the LOG TL is no where to be seen so i end up throwing the truck for about 30 minutes (Keep in mind everyone is like who the F is this guy, looks like an exec but just aimlessly here)
They nicknamed me ETL-Wanderer
So anyways the LOG TL comes back and i still throw the truck for a bit and end up taking off my red button up shirt, and then the ETL HR and STL walk in and they see me in a wife-beater and nice ironed khakis, sweating profusely. We make awkward eye contact and i go over and introduce myself in my sweaty old tank top.
After a while the whole flowteam goes on break along with the LOG TL who was the only one in the store who knew what i was, so being left alone i went over to starbucks and took a quick 30 and grabbed some coffee, (you guys probably think im a lazy turd but there was seriously no one in the store, what am i to do lol, ETL HR/stl was useless and not nice and they just chilled in their office)
So, while im at starbucks the PMT guy comes over and asks me if i wanted to help him fix some carts and 'show me the ropes'(exact words lol) (turns out he was later termed for not fixing enough carts) (no joke)
LOG TL comes back so i start following him around again and at this point my experience has been so ridiculous that i just took my giant coffee with me and was drinking it while i was pulling and pushing, whatever. Him and i alone defeated the 7 hour autofill
So these strange and awkward events keep on happening for the next 5-6 hours(aimlessly walking store, etc)
around 3PM, STL pulls me in her office and says the ETL LOG has been terminated and then says 'so...uh...uh...ahh..uhh..termination is being processed'
(and aparently they totally forgot about me, remember the DTL got terminated just a few days before and they manage EIT's)
I was like, lol, and tell her i had a GREATTTT training experience that day.
So i pretty much had the most awkward experience that could possibly happen.
P.S. i sold a redcard that day
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I hope you at least got paid for the work you did.
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