Archived Expiration Dates

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Dec 29, 2011
Is anyone else having problems with expiration dates at their store?

The P-Fresh area (produce, bakery, and fresh meat) is pretty well maintained at my store, but otherwise we've stopped doing Freshness Friday (it's been done maybe once or twice in the last couple of months), very few TMs actually care about FIFOing (none from overnight), and none of the LODs seem to think this is something to be concerned about. Outside of using the SDA application, is there any other way to keep this under control?
Our Starbucks pulls nearly all of its milk directly from the floor, and we use a ton. I think the dairy department lets us do this because we've been drilled to use FIFO, and thus milk never expires on the floor.
Is anyone else having problems with expiration dates at their store?

The P-Fresh area (produce, bakery, and fresh meat) is pretty well maintained at my store, but otherwise we've stopped doing Freshness Friday (it's been done maybe once or twice in the last couple of months), very few TMs actually care about FIFOing (none from overnight), and none of the LODs seem to think this is something to be concerned about. Outside of using the SDA application, is there any other way to keep this under control?

Well how have previous steritech visits gone? I would approach your ETL HL about your concerns. Or try youR STL or FBP
SDA is great for dairy products i always put those on short date as soon as they arrive from the truck i have one of my food stockers put it on the sda . But the way i make it happened and its very successful is that we do freshness everyday after huddle. we divide grocery threw out the week.
(dairy; open market area) on mondays
(tuesday on frozen )
(weds one aisle from dry grocery)
(thursday Freshness in the back room)
(friday one aisle in snacks..usually af chips)
i proud to say that this system has help our store be green on food safety for 2 yrs in a row...
You definitely want to talk to your HL ETL and suggest to him this idea trust me 10 mins of freshness with a couple of folks helps catch a lot of out of dates
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