Archived Extra dc trailer

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Feb 25, 2014
hey guys. I was wondering if any stores have an extra dc trailer left in one of their bays for storage. We use to have one and then about two months ago they took it away saying it was costing spot money leaving it empty at our store. If you don't have one where do you keep your sweep items or excess pallets of paper or water?
Thankfully we have one trailer where we store sweep now, but before that we would have to find space in the back room for all of it. We're much better about doing the sweep now (3x a week as opposed to 1 or 2 times a week). Finding space for the sweep before the trailer required some strategy. Bales were stacked 2 high, pallets were stacked and wrapped as the day went on, hanger bins were stacked 2 high and placed on the upper steels, CRC/Salvage pallets were also placed on the upper steels. I don't know what we'll do if they get rid of our trailer. Between Friday and Monday we can completely fill a trailer with our sweep.
We have an extra trailer. It was the signing space for six years until it was ripped away from me it was recently changed to storage space for transition and price change.
We have four receiving docks but no storage trailer. We do have a shipping container outside that's mostly used for storing junk and things we only need a few times a year.

Our receiving setup is very unique and it allows for lots of extra space, so in theory we could just pile up the sweep around the two lesser-used docks. But in reality, we do a sweep pretty much every truck day, even if it's just a bale or two.

Extra paper goes up in the steel (we can double stack in certain spots if absolutely necessary). Extra water we get creative with... Sometimes there's room in the transition steel or we might just drop a whole fucking pallet by one of the store entrances and let it sell from there.
My store has one extra trailer docked in one of our bays that is loaded with fixtures of all kinds, most of which we have no business having. We have four pallets, each at six feet in height, of video game browser shelves of various sizes, for example. The new STL has slowly been sending things back on sweeps.
We have a storage trailer too, currently used for greeting cards, Sterilite, patio furniture and pet food. Despite the two raccoon-sized holes where the trailer doesn't meet the dock. Oh and sometimes we put shippers in there and don't tell POG team about them. Then again, half the time they never take down the ones that are clearly visible in the steel so it probably wouldn't change a thing.

Paper and water go in various places in the steel on receiving side, stuff for the sweep goes outside if it's a bale or pallet and wherever the hell you can find room inside for the rest.

To be honest, I hate our whole setup. There's bales that have been sitting outside for weeks because I can't get them back in through the receiving door and would have to take the Crown all the way around to a bay to get them inside. Wet pallets are gross. I'd give up something precious to get that trailer out so I could have two docks for deliveries. Then again, the storage dock's plate doesn't work because it was cannibalized for parts for my one (barely) working dock's plate some time ago.

But that is for another time.
This is a dumb question, and I'm sure I could find it somewhere on here, but what's "sweep"?

Is it just like sending back all of your excess stuff?

A few months back I think I remember hearing that we got a few sweep skids from another store that was closing and we basically just got a billion repack boxes full of random stuff- chemicals, clothes, pet stuff, etc. So I just assumed "sweep" was what was sent out of stores that were shutting down. ...obviously that's not the case lol.
Sweep is when you send Crc salvage extra wood pallets hangers bind and boxes back to the dc. Also once a week you send a merchandise sweep back which Is basically items that you have to much off
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We have a storage trailer in our 3rd bay. It's currently being used for openstock patio furniture and transition pallets, and during Q4 we use it for the massive amount of toys we receive. We also have an outside storage container for unbuilt bikes.
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