Archived Fine, I'll just go to (insert other store here)

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Electronics Man

Electronics Team Member
Jun 14, 2011
lol so how about those guests that come in just to say that they are going to some other store (in my case usually Walmart).

Had an old lady come in today looking for DVD's and swore up and down that Happy Feet Two was out, and that Walmart had it and we should too. She complained that we had DVD's she already had and acted like I expected her to buy them or something. Then she went to look for Puss n Boots, well she found it, but not THE Puss n Boots, it was the off brand one with Will Shatner. lol won't she get a surprise, I tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen. All the meantime she kept muttering "Should have gone to Walmart, I'm wasting my time here. I'm going to Walmart they have this."

Most of the time though it's guests that have issues with our policies in general, whether it's scanning ID's for M Rated games, our return policies, or our price match policies.

Just the other day I had somebody threaten me with Walmart because I told him our policy with TV's is that they are to be returned 90 days with receipt new and unused. He then says "So you are saying that Walmart is better than you guys and that I should just go there then?" and then they walked away.
I'll bet these are the same guests that get angry at us at the front end for not accepting their expired coupons and demand to speak to a manager. If Walmart is accepting your expired coups, then they're not playing by the rules.
I love the guests that come in with the little tiny picture of an item that they cut out of 'any' ad. They come in and yell because it's from our ad, and why don't we have it. Just get over yourselves!
I once suggested, while laughing, but only half-joking, that somebody try Walmart when I had to decline the return of an item that they had purchased 9 months previously. I seriously want to smack people who ask me "Well, what am I supposed to do now?" when their return is declined for whatever reason.
There was a guest I got called to the service desk for yesterday who received an 8G IPod Touch from her boss for Christmas. Her gift receipt expired 1/15 and she had no use for it. I told her there was a possibility we might be able to do an exchange using her ID, but since there was a serial number I couldn't guarantee anything. It didn't work, like I warned the guest, and she said, "Well, it looks like I'm going to Wal Mart." She called corporate on me because I told her that even Wal Mart wouldn't do the return because of the serial number...and suggested she regift it instead and make somebody's day. I didn't think I did anything in the wrong, and neither did corporate. :angel:
The guests who usually talk this way are the ones not worth trying to please. I just laugh and say go ahead.
There's a whole thread devoted to that under general topics.
lol I love these guests.

One time a lady was upset that we couldn't cut up some meat to perfection so she stormed off to Publix. I guess the 15 other options didn't suffice.

I'm a little curious. What are the demographics of these guests for you guys?
I once spoke with a guest who tried to return something that he bought from Walmart. It took a few minutes of talking just to get that information out of him, and when I informed him that we couldn't accept returned merchandise from Walmart, he said, "Why not? Aren't you guys all the same company?" Much tongue biting ensued.

I also get guests bringing in sales ads from other retail chains all the time. Of course, it's only after thirty minutes or so that they suddenly remember that it was a Kmart sales ad, or something.
I once spoke with a guest who tried to return something that he bought from Walmart. It took a few minutes of talking just to get that information out of him, and when I informed him that we couldn't accept returned merchandise from Walmart, he said, "Why not? Aren't you guys all the same company?" Much tongue biting ensued.


I also get guests bringing in sales ads from other retail chains all the time. Of course, it's only after thirty minutes or so that they suddenly remember that it was a Kmart sales ad, or something.

Again, :facepalm: Though to be fair, if they're that forgetful, could they have been trying to price-match and they forgot?
We have people threaten to go to other pharmacies all the time when we tell them the wait time is 15-20 minutes....we usually tell them "Okay" because we know that the wait times at the other pharmacies around us are MUCH higher than that. I'd say about 95% of the time, they either say "Forget it, I'm already here" or end up coming back after trying a different pharmacy and being given a wait time of 30 minutes or more (one guy went to Wal-Mart and was given a 2 HOUR wait time :\) 😉
We have people threaten to go to other pharmacies all the time when we tell them the wait time is 15-20 minutes....we usually tell them "Okay" because we know that the wait times at the other pharmacies around us are MUCH higher than that. I'd say about 95% of the time, they either say "Forget it, I'm already here" or end up coming back after trying a different pharmacy and being given a wait time of 30 minutes or more (one guy went to Wal-Mart and was given a 2 HOUR wait time :\) 😉

I had a 800 lb guest who said she would take her business to Wal-Mart when all of our motorized carts were in use...
Though to be fair, if they're that forgetful, could they have been trying to price-match and they forgot?

It's possible. They never bring the entire ad; it's just a small section with the particular product that they are looking for that's been ripped out of the sales paper. I don't know why they do that. Just bring the entire paper; it would save everyone some time.
It's possible. They never bring the entire ad; it's just a small section with the particular product that they are looking for that's been ripped out of the sales paper. I don't know why they do that. Just bring the entire paper; it would save everyone some time.

They do it because they think everyone who works in retail has an IQ of 20 and therefore isn't smart enough to recognize their own ads, meaning they can "outsmart" us by showing us someone else's ad and convincing us it's ours....I've had people bring in ads from other stores that were "cropped" to remove the "fine print" in an attempt to get REALLY cheap using the other store's sale price, a Target coupon & a manu coupon, sometimes it's free or almost free.
I once spoke with a guest who tried to return something that he bought from Walmart. It took a few minutes of talking just to get that information out of him, and when I informed him that we couldn't accept returned merchandise from Walmart, he said, "Why not? Aren't you guys all the same company?" Much tongue biting ensued.

I also get guests bringing in sales ads from other retail chains all the time. Of course, it's only after thirty minutes or so that they suddenly remember that it was a Kmart sales ad, or something.

This happened a long time ago. A lady came in and wanted a TV that was one sale. I told her that we didn't have any TVs on sale that week. She insisted and pulled out the ad for the week pointing to the TV. I tried to show her that it was a Circuit City ad but she wouldn't listen and gave up and left.

We always have people say that they should have gone to Wal-Mart instead. I just ignore them.
I had an amazing guest the other day. To set the scene, she was an overweight blonde woman wearing a track suit. After ringing up a box of diapers, she said that the $25.99 box of diapers was on sale for $19.99. I set them aside and called over my GSTL, in the mean time ringing up the rest of her purchase. The guest explained that there were sales signs all along the bottom of the shelf that advertised the aforementioned price. The GSTL called twice for someone on the sales floor, but upon receiving no response, she asked someone else who wasn't too busy to go back and look for her.

About a minute passes, and she comes back with a slightly smaller box of diapers, which was the correct sale item. Of course, the guest once again brought up the signs "along the entire shelf," to which she pulled out her cell phone and showed her a picture she took of the shelf. There were sale tags on every box of diapers except the one she was going to purchase. At this point, the guest started to take a nasty tone, and explained that we were wrong, she saw the sale sign, etc, and that she was going to go back and look for herself (???). The GSTL then offered to have someone meet her back there, which she declined, as she "had to pick up her daughter, and just didn't have the time to argue."

She paid for her purchase, sans diapers, all the while doing so mumbling to herself that she "should've went to Wal-Mart instead"— of course just loud enough for me to overhear her. Once she was done, she parked her cart by guest service and left her son to watch it. When she finally came back, she went out of her way to pass by my lane and 'mumble' that she was never going to shop there again (over a $6 sale on diapers, just as a reminder). Upon her passing me, I smiled as brightly as I could and told her to have a fantabulous day. The next two guests in line were stifling giggles the whole time, and when she left the three of us just burst into laughter.
I had a guest one day claim the box of diapers she was purchasing was supposed to be 19.99... but she admitted she was mistaken, and that she grabbed the wrong box.

Funny thing is, that she claimed to of done so because the boxes were similar sizes but, uh... no they weren't?

At least, unlike your guest, she was nice about the whole issue even to the point of taking the blame and owning up to /her/ mistake.
I had an amazing guest the other day. To set the scene, she was an overweight blonde woman wearing a track suit. After ringing up a box of diapers, she said that the $25.99 box of diapers was on sale for $19.99. I set them aside and called over my GSTL, in the mean time ringing up the rest of her purchase. The guest explained that there were sales signs all along the bottom of the shelf that advertised the aforementioned price. The GSTL called twice for someone on the sales floor, but upon receiving no response, she asked someone else who wasn't too busy to go back and look for her.

About a minute passes, and she comes back with a slightly smaller box of diapers, which was the correct sale item. Of course, the guest once again brought up the signs "along the entire shelf," to which she pulled out her cell phone and showed her a picture she took of the shelf. There were sale tags on every box of diapers except the one she was going to purchase. At this point, the guest started to take a nasty tone, and explained that we were wrong, she saw the sale sign, etc, and that she was going to go back and look for herself (???). The GSTL then offered to have someone meet her back there, which she declined, as she "had to pick up her daughter, and just didn't have the time to argue."

She paid for her purchase, sans diapers, all the while doing so mumbling to herself that she "should've went to Wal-Mart instead"— of course just loud enough for me to overhear her. Once she was done, she parked her cart by guest service and left her son to watch it. When she finally came back, she went out of her way to pass by my lane and 'mumble' that she was never going to shop there again (over a $6 sale on diapers, just as a reminder). Upon her passing me, I smiled as brightly as I could and told her to have a fantabulous day. The next two guests in line were stifling giggles the whole time, and when she left the three of us just burst into laughter.
I can't remember if it was last week or the week before, but up&up box (club pack) diapers were on sale for #19.99. A guest comes up with the economy pack and tells me the sign said all 92 ct and up diapers were on sale. Since we had to cut 300 hours for the week, I just ran back and checked myself. When I got back to the lane, I told him the mistake was his, nicely, and he said, "Well, I'll just go to Wal-Mart and get their up&up diapers." When I told him they didn't sell that brand, he looked at his wife and said something about Target obviously not hiring people for their brains. She looked very embarrassed when she whispered that up&up was a Target brand only. I had to walk away cuz I was laughing.
I can't remember if it was last week or the week before, but up&up box (club pack) diapers were on sale for #19.99. A guest comes up with the economy pack and tells me the sign said all 92 ct and up diapers were on sale. Since we had to cut 300 hours for the week, I just ran back and checked myself. When I got back to the lane, I told him the mistake was his, nicely, and he said, "Well, I'll just go to Wal-Mart and get their up&up diapers." When I told him they didn't sell that brand, he looked at his wife and said something about Target obviously not hiring people for their brains. She looked very embarrassed when she whispered that up&up was a Target brand only. I had to walk away cuz I was laughing.

lol, so awesome. I would have a hard time keeping the laughter in. I heard people say they are going to Walmart all the time in market. They dont say it when talking to me or after talking to me though. Usually its just something I hear when im zoning or working pulls, and its mainly just about pricing. What people dont realize is that on the actual name brands, I would say Walmart and Target have about the same exact prices.
lol, so awesome. I would have a hard time keeping the laughter in. I heard people say they are going to Walmart all the time in market. They dont say it when talking to me or after talking to me though. Usually its just something I hear when im zoning or working pulls, and its mainly just about pricing. What people dont realize is that on the actual name brands, I would say Walmart and Target have about the same exact prices.
I think Walmart beats us by around a penny. It's not that much. And if you have the rd card its even more. And if you get a team member discount it's even more:curtsey:
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