Archived First Day. Not sure what to do.

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Jun 22, 2019
Tomorrow is my first day. I've had training, I have a general idea of how to do everything, but now that I'm on my own I'm not sure what to do... or where to start. I work 12-5 and I'm in GM in "KIT", which I'm assuming is kitchen. I don't really know what I'm doing tomorrow or where I go. I'm so used to people telling me what to do.
Partner with the HRTM (Expert) at your store immediately. They should have a copy of your training schedule which has your trainers name attached. They can have the trainer come to TSC to meet you and you go from there. The HRTM might pull you for training at the beginning of your shift as well. Depends on the store but that’s what I usually do on a TMs first day.
You've had training? Then you're already WAY ahead of 99% of new TMs!
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