Archived Former Lurker :)

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Mar 25, 2015
Hi everyone! I started working at Target in October at the beginning of their seasonal hiring. I had two jobs, but quit my other when Target kept me on.

I am officially a Salesfloor TM in softlines, but I've had shifts/training in presentation, unloading/stocking, and have covered a few electronics call outs. I am also our Ad Prep TM and was just made Battery Captain (I know, lol).

I actually really like working at Target. I love that the other TM's are so helpful and willing to answer any questions I have. I have been a long time Lurker of these boards and found that the TM's are just as helpful off the clock.

Thanks for having me :)
Welcome to the break room and Target. There are a lot of good members here, so never hesitate to ask any questions. We are all know it alls, lol!
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