Archived Freedom of Speech

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
We were having a spirited conversation in the breakroom about the current efforts by the Republicans to to control women's reproductive rights.
It started when I brought up Rand Paul's effort to add a personhood amendment to the flood insurance bill.
Now I'm willing to admit we might have been a bit loud but nobody was saying anything rude and in fact everybody agreed on how asinine the agenda has become.

Which was the point that the young ETL stuck their head into the room and demanded that we refrain from being so loud and having conversations that made people 'uncomfortable'.
My break was almost over so I shut up but later I asked around trying to find someone who might have been unhappy to be in the vicinity of our convo.
Everybody said they had no problem and that they were used to me.
A couple of folks even said they liked the 'serious stuff' that got discussed because they learned things.

I'm not going to get pissy about it, sound carried and it's possible that there was somebody who complained.
But if I'd been the ETL I probably would have just asked to for lower voices.
If the exec isn't comfortable hearing adults talk about adult things (like politics), s/he should really take a deeper look at him/herself and decide if s/he is ready to be out in the real world yet or not. Mommy and daddy almost certainly still have a room available back home.
By the way, the freedom of speech header was in reference to women's reproductive rights, right?
I think Commie meant having the freedom to discuss various topics while on one's break in a work setting w/o fear of reprisal.
I've been told not to talk about work during my break with fellow TMs.
What we have come to.....
I think Commie meant having the freedom to discuss various topics while on one's break in a work setting w/o fear of reprisal.
I've been told not to talk about work during my break with fellow TMs.
What we have come to.....

I did not know we work the the government. :::sarcasm:::

Freedom of speech refers to the ability to speak without fear of the government stepping in to punish of what was said. Target is a private entity not a public (government) one.
We were having a spirited conversation in the breakroom about the current efforts by the Republicans to to control women's reproductive rights.
It started when I brought up Rand Paul's effort to add a personhood amendment to the flood insurance bill.
Now I'm willing to admit we might have been a bit loud but nobody was saying anything rude and in fact everybody agreed on how asinine the agenda has become.

Which was the point that the young ETL stuck their head into the room and demanded that we refrain from being so loud and having conversations that made people 'uncomfortable'.
My break was almost over so I shut up but later I asked around trying to find someone who might have been unhappy to be in the vicinity of our convo.
Everybody said they had no problem and that they were used to me.
A couple of folks even said they liked the 'serious stuff' that got discussed because they learned things.

I'm not going to get pissy about it, sound carried and it's possible that there was somebody who complained.
But if I'd been the ETL I probably would have just asked to for lower voices.

I'd ignore it and say what you want if it's just political. Obviously try not to get sucked into a heated debate in the breakroom, but you should be fine.
I did not know we work the the government. :::sarcasm:::

Freedom of speech refers to the ability to speak without fear of the government stepping in to punish of what was said. Target is a private entity not a public (government) one.

I do understand that Spot has the right to put limits on what is said on their property (of course then they have to deal with the public response to that kind of heavy handed BS but for every ying there is a yang).
I titled the thread more for the idea than the legality.
Yes, the speech in question was women's right to reproductive health but should any topic be off limits?
I do understand that Spot has the right to put limits on what is said on their property (of course then they have to deal with the public response to that kind of heavy handed BS but for every ying there is a yang).
I titled the thread more for the idea than the legality.
Yes, the speech in question was women's right to reproductive health but should any topic be off limits?

Yes. I can think of many topics that should be off limits: like if someone wanted to kill off all black people, or if someone wanted to expound in the virtues of why women shouldn't speak in public. The list goes on and on.
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Yes. I can think of many topics that should be off limits: like if someone wanted to kill off all black people, or if someone wanted to expound in the virtues of why women shouldn't speak in public. The list goes on and on.

Well, there certainly are some woman where a good argument could be made (ex. Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian) 🙂
Of course, there are going to be topics that nobody in their right mind would bring up but it seems that these days many people are so afraid of even coming close to anything that even smells like it might involve politics or taking a stand.
I think many people are just reluctant to start a conversation about such things when the community at large has stopped discussing things and instead started shrieking at each other trying to throw in as many talking points as possible. Discussion and civil discourse seem to be things of a utopian world anymore. And that reality may be the reason the ETL put the kabash on the conversation.
Religion + politics + work = :bomb:

Ditto --


That's why I hate everyone and everything equally
I won't talk politics at work simply because almost all of the people I work with are finding all of their information on the television. If you are not going to invest the time and effort into seeing what is actually being said and promised I am not going to have an intelligent conversation with you. You cannot get your facts from FOX, MSNBC, CNN or any network show. The information, without the chest thumping and half truths are there but you have to look for them.
Usually I just take a book and read during my breaks/lunch truth be told. I simply want peace and quiet for a little bit.
Along with what everyone else has said about politics and religion in the work place, that is just not true for retail, at my new job we are asked to avoid those topics. Not saying that if someone ask "where do you go to church"? to not answer them, I think you can answer simple questions like that pertaining to those topics. But I guess they don't want the conversation to get to a point where it becomes a shouting match among peers.
They have every right to ask you to not talk about sensitive subjects like politics and religion. Maybe that Etl was bothered by it, who knows. Its generally not a good idea to talk about controversial subjects at work.
I did not know we work the the government. :::sarcasm:::

Freedom of speech refers to the ability to speak without fear of the government stepping in to punish of what was said. Target is a private entity not a public (government) one.

Lol, I'll still keep saying whatever the **** I want regardless of what ANY entity tells me to do.
ETL's ARE REPUBLICANS! Anyone who makes more then 40k IS either a supervisor or manager and therefore BENEFIT from Republican policies, that's why!
We were having a spirited conversation in the breakroom about the current efforts by the Republicans to to control women's reproductive rights.
It started when I brought up Rand Paul's effort to add a personhood amendment to the flood insurance bill.
Now I'm willing to admit we might have been a bit loud but nobody was saying anything rude and in fact everybody agreed on how asinine the agenda has become.

Which was the point that the young ETL stuck their head into the room and demanded that we refrain from being so loud and having conversations that made people 'uncomfortable'.
My break was almost over so I shut up but later I asked around trying to find someone who might have been unhappy to be in the vicinity of our convo.
Everybody said they had no problem and that they were used to me.
A couple of folks even said they liked the 'serious stuff' that got discussed because they learned things.

I'm not going to get pissy about it, sound carried and it's possible that there was somebody who complained.
But if I'd been the ETL I probably would have just asked to for lower voices.
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