Archived Friday price change vent...

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"Can you go to 3, please?" *Turns off walkie*
Nov 19, 2012
My Spot week has been a total disaster.

1.) Had to come in Monday morning to do price change so we could process dollar spot salvage. Monday is my normal comp shop day.
2.) Had to do comp shop on Wednesday. That is my normal price change day.
3.)Thought I'd be nice and come in on Thursday to help with price change since we're shorthanded. Turns out that I was the only one left after 10AM due to call offs and schedule changes. I left a huge chunk of it incomplete because I was 12 hours behind.
4.) I didn't touch my ad this week and am totally dreading going in on Sunday to see how it got prepped. I already know that 7x11s haven't been touched and I know that I will wind up doing them when I go in.
5.) Had to rush and finish comp shop at the VERY LAST MINUTE today. Due by 4PM CST, I had it done sometime just before 3PM CST. I'll be green by the thinnest of margins.
6.) Upon my return to the store from comp shopping I discover that there was at least 10 hours of price change workload left for me.
7.) While I was actively scanning jewelry/accessories, I was told to stop what I was doing and start doing backroom workload. Upon opening the first box I learned that all of the backroom items had been activated.
Sorry to hear that. Are you trying to be TL? Sometimes it's just best to take the coaching.
Sorry to hear that. Are you trying to be TL? Sometimes it's just best to take the coaching.
I'm not trying to be a TL, but I'm trying to not be coached.

A.) None of this is my fault, so if they tried to coach me on something other than having an unacceptable comp score I would fight it.
B.) The only things I care about at Spot are the areas where I am "on display". When the ad doesn't get prepped right, it comes back to me and I have to make it right even if I didn't touch a single piece until Sunday morning. That's my thing, and everyone in the store knows it.
C.) Lather, rinse, repeat this week.
It all seems to be tied in with the ridiculous expectations and lack of backup that everyone is facing coupled with the "if you're halfway competent we're going to reward you with even more work but not more pay".

I'm sorry you're getting screwed this way.
@commiecorvus : Thanks. It is what it is. I've been trying to pawn off comp shop onto someone else not because I don't want to do it anymore, but because I'm needed to actually do the job I'm coded for. I looked at the schedule yesterday after having a discussion with one of the ETLs about hours and workload. There isn't anyone that has hours available that I would trust to do it.

I'm wondering if we can pawn off comp shop onto the store that my shop rolls up to. I drive past it every day that I drive from my store to Walmart.
@JustJoe your problem is you care about doing your job right and well.
Don't you know you need to stop that and do it brand?

Right now I just want to do my job without mommy and daddy fighting over me. Everyone (except one TM) wants me to prep the ad (the one thinks I do it wrong, but I actually follow best practice which happens to be right). I like not having to fight for hours, but sometimes it is a drain when trying to figure stuff out that shouldn't be my problem.

Example: "There are 43 hours of price change workload today. There are 21 hours of price change labor scheduled. No overtime. No call-ins. No borrowing from the floor. GO!"

The TM that writes my schedule does the very best with the resources available to her. It just seems like nobody wants to come in at 4AM.
@JustJoe your problem is you care about doing your job right and well.
Don't you know you need to stop that and do it brand?

Right now I just want to do my job without mommy and daddy fighting over me. Everyone (except one TM) wants me to prep the ad (the one thinks I do it wrong, but I actually follow best practice which happens to be right). I like not having to fight for hours, but sometimes it is a drain when trying to figure stuff out that shouldn't be my problem.

Example: "There are 43 hours of price change workload today. There are 21 hours of price change labor scheduled. No overtime. No call-ins. No borrowing from the floor. GO!"

The TM that writes my schedule does the very best with the resources available to her. It just seems like nobody wants to come in at 4AM.

I feel for you. I would love to have someone on my team like you, who actually cares. I work any shift they throw at me.. (scheduled 10 hours tomorrow in pricing for the big RTW blowout). At least my STL allows us to "overspend" as long as we can justify it with numbers. We are scheduled about 23 hours though to do 30 hours of work. Which, if you think about it.. tearing apart racks completely and re merchandising.. and pushing all from the more like 32 hours. We will probably get it done in 25 or 26 but my legs will be protesting on wednesday
I frequently edit my schedule, usually to either meet business needs or fit in freelance work. When I pick up freelance work I only edit when the changes don't affect the store (scheduled offstage for either comp shop or ad prep and I just move those hours around). I believe in the mentality that if I need to be flexible for Spot, Spot needs to be flexible for me.
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