Archived Garden center

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Dec 30, 2015
Did your local Target used to have a garden center? The Target here had a garden center years ago which then was closed, the door leading from inside the store to the garden center was removed and the old garden center is now a boarded up area.
Ours did. We sold live Christmas trees too! I think we lost a lot of loyal guests when we boarded ours up. We keep merch out there & sometimes when it storms, it gets wet. Then at some point they'll pull something from "the bullpen" and it'll be moldy. :eek:
Our Garden Center is used as a storage annex. Inside we store mainly extra fixtures: palletized shelves, rolling racks for softlines, and pegboard / T-joints for new gondolas.
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My store had a Garden Center. They ended up slightly rebuilding it, and removing all traces of the "Garden Center" name on it. It's additional storage for anything that can survive the Cold Elements :p
Yes. Ours is now storage for a few fixtures, extra workspace for the SFT, staging area for both Black Friday and the holiday bike shipment.
The former Garden Center has been enclosed and now houses PFresh. From outside, it looks like it was always part of the original building.
The former garden center at the local Target is not being used to store anything. Not really possible to store things there as it's just fences on three sides with no top covering. It's a pretty old Target.
All garden centers are closed.
Why? I asked my STL once and the answer he gave was "To differentiate ourselves from Walmart" but that seemed more like a lack of an answer and slightly made up to me.
Why? I asked my STL once and the answer he gave was "To differentiate ourselves from Walmart" but that seemed more like a lack of an answer and slightly made up to me.
Spot was not to good at selling live plants & garden related items before the time of Internet. Who has time to water plants all day?
Spot was not to good at selling live plants & garden related items before the time of Internet. Who has time to water plants all day?
Psh. I think I defected out half of our poinsettias this year when they wilted....many of them after 12 hours of being pulled out of the cooler. I can't imagine Spot having any sort of green thumb for an entire garden center.
Nobody wanders past live plants on the way to get groceries or toys. There was no "impulse buying". A good half of all the plants had to be thrown out. Even Clearance garden center stuff never sold.
We had a poinsettia endcap at the checklanes, and they practically flew off the shelves. I also would get asked if we have fresh flowers at least once a day as a GSA. Maybe it's just my area, but for some reason a lot of people come into my Target looking for flowers. Even though we're directly across from a Home Depot, and a block or two away from an actual garden center.
I'm fairly certain my store did not have a garden center. Even before our P-Fresh remodel, we wouldn't have had room for it.

Our Garden Center is used as a storage annex. Inside we store mainly extra fixtures: palletized shelves, rolling racks for softlines, and pegboard / T-joints for new gondolas.

I wish we had somewhere to keep our Z-racks. They just sit in one of our bulk aisles until overnight comes in and pulls them out to the floor. It's a pain in the ass when I need to pull from that aisle and move all the Z-racks out of the way.
I wish we had a garden center. I love plants. Lowes and Home Depot treat their plants like hell. The local 'growers' just buy from wholesalers and markup the prices 100+%. I miss true greenhouse growers. Companies like Monrovia with their patented plants and Bonnie Plants have all but killed the great small operations, just as Wal-Mart and Target have killed small grocers... just in a different way.
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