Archived Glass cleaner is no longer allowed?

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Team Member/Troll
Jun 16, 2011
What is going on in this company? We are now supposed to use hydorgen peroxide for everything, including glass. If we want to use the glass cleaner we are supposed to check it out and if we do not turn it back in we are coached.

So far that I have read, here is the dangers for hydrogen peroxide...

Principal hazards
Contact with the eyes can cause serious long-term damage.
The solution is corrosive and can cause skin burns.
Slow decomposition of the solution in storage may lead to a build-up of pressure in sealed containers.
Hydrogen peroxide can forms potentially explosive compounds with a wide variety of materials, including ketones, alcohols, esters, glycerine, aniline, triethylamine and sodium carbonate. Check in the literature that a procedure you have not attempted previously is safe before starting!
Solutions of hydrogen peroxide of concentrations above 40% are significantly more dangerous, and no solution of 50% or above should be handled by inexperienced persons. In school stock rooms such concentrated solutions should be regarded as presenting special hazards and should not normally be used.

Safe handling
The hazards presented by dilute (ca. 3%) hydrogen peroxide are much less serious than those of the 30% solution. Nevertheless, the following precautions should still be observed:
Always wear safety glasses. Splashes of 30% hydrogen peroxide into the eyes are potentially very serious.
Do not allow solution to come into contact with your skin; skin is readily burnt by brief contact. You'll know this has happened by the appearance of areas of bleached skin.
Take care when using a catalyst to decompose the peroxide; pure oxygen is released which may potentially increase the risk of fire if combustible material is nearby.

Yep. Totally safe.
Ok the Hydrox cleaner Target uses is a 1% concentration of Hydrogren Peroxide lol. It's sold by Diversey which is like the biggest name in cleaning supplies in the United States. Pretty sure it's totally safe to use. The hydrogen peroxide in your cabinet that you use to disinfect wounds is a higher 3% concentration, and the bottle says a Directed Use is a GARGLE for cleaning your mouth!

This stuff is safe lol. What you posted are legitimate concerns for much higher concentrations in the double digits like 30% and such, and you'd only encounter those in a lab!
The cleaners have to be on the accepted list (plano can't use Goo Gone for the shelves to get the adhesive off anymore).
The reason given is that anything used has to be on their emergency list if someone gets poisoned. I'm sure lawsuits and CYA are more the reason.
(plano can't use Goo Gone for the shelves to get the adhesive off anymore).

Which is sad because the Material safety data sheet for Goo Gone lists the health hazard as a 0, stating it is neither an eye irritant, skin irritant, nor harmful if ingested. It is, however, a damn good way to get the remains of an adhesive divider off a shelf! Maybe I won't say anything about my Plano team's illicit bottle stashed away somewhere heheheehehe 🙄
Busted the Pharmacy with Spitfire the other day.... I so wanted to swipe it and hide it for my own use. But I couldn't do that to the ladies in the pharmacy.

Goof Off is the BEST STUFF EVAR!
The cleaners have to be on the accepted list (plano can't use Goo Gone for the shelves to get the adhesive off anymore).
The reason given is that anything used has to be on their emergency list if someone gets poisoned. I'm sure lawsuits and CYA are more the reason.

Easy workaround to having Goo Gone in the building: SFTs are still allowed to have access to it. Get a good relation with your SFT and they won't mind when a bottle "disappears" for a few hours.
We have a box of several unapproved cleansors well-hidden simply because they're tried & true.
The problem is that it is turning my skin white(r) which tends to give credance to the fact that it is in the realm of the higher concentrations. The whiteness is microbubbles be formed on my skin.
Then your SFT is not diluting it correctly. Hydrox is not the greatest cleaner...Spitfire cleans just about anything, but are you really complaining about the approved cleaning solution? Sorry to say, but I don't see the point of this thread. Plus, I think spitfire might be allowed again. At least my PTL said it was. Although to be quite honest, she makes up a lot of stuff a lot of the time and doesn't know what she's talking about the rest of the time!
we have a stash too... goo gone and spitfire as far as the eye can see...

our sft walked by cosmetics and started having a stroke. WHY ARE YOU USING SPITFIRE? HOW DID YOU GET TWO BOTTLES? (yes, he yelled). GOO GONE?? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME???

as long as it's in the proper bottle (big steritech issue), it shouldn't matter. no one at my store says anything except the sft. of course, we don't use it in any food areas. frankly, youre at a bigger risk dropping a bottle of bleach when youre pushing truck. hydrox sucks.
I'm not complaining about the approved cleaning solution. I'm complaining about the fact that I have to check it out by signing my name to control it. Why can't we just keep some of it at the boat?
Must be something your store is doing, because we have hydrox all over the place. All our other chemicals are in the custodial closet (? not sure what that room is really called) and anyone is free to grab what they need, although I think it's all mainly for use by the cleaning crew. No need to sign stuff out.
Hydrox has been the primary cleaning solution for almost a year and a half but cannot be used in food or pets areas Glance is approved for Target Cafe and Consumables but no spitfire or goo gone. The cleaning crew does have spitfire in their cage.
You seriously need to check out cleaning solution? I wonder what the thinking is behind that? We have hydrox at every checklane, one at the O, at the electronic boat, by the baler, the jewelry counter, on the signing tub, and on the plano tub. We encourage team members to clean during the slower periods of time. I would think that it would discourage any proactive cleaning
You seriously need to check out cleaning solution? I wonder what the thinking is behind that? We have hydrox at every checklane, one at the O, at the electronic boat, by the baler, the jewelry counter, on the signing tub, and on the plano tub. We encourage team members to clean during the slower periods of time. I would think that it would discourage any proactive cleaning
That makes sense.

Target cannot get behind such an idea.
We have Hydrox at (most of) the lanes (and probably other various places) and the photo TMs are still allowed to use glass cleaner. A few weeks ago, my lane was filthy and I had no Hydrox, so the GSTL gave me Spitfire.
Yeah I heard we weren't supposed to have glass cleaner anywhere on the floor now.

Hydrox is pretty safe to use though.
We also learned in our last Johnson Diversy visit that hydrox needs to be remade ever 5-7 days so I wouldn't keep too many made up at a time. It was suggested that we use the Target Cafe date labels to track bottles
When I was a CA I used to make this stuff regularly, and getting the mixture on my hands was only mildly uncomfortable. I can see higher concentrations being bad for the skin 😉
We aren't allowed Spitfire, either.
The cleaning solutions that we have bottled is pretty good for cleaning. However, we have to have our building maintenance guy fill the sprayers. And, of course, you have to submit a work request to have them filled. We'll go weeks without refilling our spray wonder the front end looks so filthy.
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