Archived Go to jail = fired, right?

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Nov 20, 2017
Searched but couldn’t find a relevant topic. Anyways I found out a TM spent a couple nights in jail this week, which happened to be 2 of his 3 scheduled days off. I don’t know the whole story or what the charge(s) were. I know some employers will automatically fire you if you get arrested for any reason, and I assume Target is one of them?
I think that would open a huge can of litigious worms. Arrested does not equal convicted. Beyond that, I don't know, but looking back at those worms, I'd assume the type of conviction would matter. Huge difference between a speeding ticket and a murder.
Agree with @Tessa120. Although spending 2 nights in jail would make me wonder if it wasn't something more serious than a DUI. If the person deserved to be there, too bad. But if it was a case of mistaken identity, someone not doing their job promptly or properly (slow-walking paperwork just to be obnoxious about it), the timing (Friday night vs. a weekday morning) of when they were arrested ... then maybe the person was just caught up in the system.
Let me tell you a story about a coworker (from another place) named Donita. She wasn't paying much attention to her spedometer while on the interstate and got nailed for 92 in a 65. She had a clean driving record, no other tickets. Reckless driving requires actually going to court, and prior to her court date she got her spedometer calibrated and she took a driver's ed course, the same course the courts often order. We worked with real estate, she knew how to dress properly, so likely a proper presentation in court. Her schedule that day was 11am, court was 9am, she figured she'd have time for court before work.

When the judge found her guilty, he decided that the high speed she was going was worth jail. She was immediately taken into custody, and it was either late that evening or the next day that she was finally released. Meanwhile, we at work were trying to figure out why Donita was a NCNS, as that was not like her at all. She also had weekend jail for either a month or 6 weeks, I don't remember which.

While the office gossip was going around once we knew what happened to her, another coworker named Rebecca said she also had been sentenced to jail over speeding. She had not been so high over the speed limit that she got reckless driving, but she had 5 over a short period of time. Ticket number five got her a week in jail.

So even with a conviction, 2 days in jail could be over something absolutely minor.
Have had it go both ways over time. Some time ago, we had a TM termed for going to jail. It had something to do with bad checks (not at Target), and they fired him. We have also had tms miss work for jail who weren't fired. Offence matters, and number of shifts too.
Some states also allow "time served" credit if you don't want to pay your court fines, and it could just be cheaper for them to spend a couple nights in jail on their days off than paying the ticket.
depending on the crime they won’t be fired. If it was a serious crime that Spot wouldn’t employ then they’ll be put on LOA til they clear it up. Hitting the hoosegow for a couple nights after a barfight won’t get someone termed if they only miss a day of work with otherwise decent attendance.
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