Archived Got a conditional job offer on 10/9/12. Still no orientation set.

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Oct 29, 2012
Took the drug test, passed it and now I'm just waiting to know when orientation is. Is this normal for Target? I was told they just started doing the hiring process differently and were still trying to figure things out. Could this be it? Or is it just that they're hiring a group of people so they can do orientation at once? I'm trying to be patient and not freak out but I have to start working ASAP! I don't want to call and ask them when it will be because I've already called them and gone in to talk to them many times to make sure the hiring process was going okay.

Please help! The last and only job I had that made new employees do an orientation was a movie theater and I had my orientation less than a week after being hired because they didn't drug test.
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they could definitely be waiting for more hires. it never hurts to call the store, in my case they told me orientation date but I HAD TO CALL THEM for them to tell me what time and what to even wear (it was 8:00am, and red/khaki). at my store HR doesn't work weekends so do that before friday. It seems like it's pretty easy for people to fall through the cracks so take the initiative on this one, esp because you need the job.
Yeah, they seem pretty disorganized at the store I got hired at. It's really frustrating. I might call tomorrow or Wednesday if I don't hear anything. HR probably already got off work because it's almost 5 here.
give them a call - I work in HR and appreciate it when you call to check on your status. I have had several new hires that I could not reach because they changed phone numbers several times and I could not reach them.
The way it works now theyre getting a large group of new hires together at once instead of smaller groups like they did before it saves them a lot of time.just wait for them to call you.
I had the same issue. I called and HR gave me all of my info straightaway, then followed it up with an email. The person I spoke with didn't seem put off that I'd called. Good luck!
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