Archived Help driving a selling culture

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SrTL Salesfloor
Sep 23, 2018
I’m a Sr TL Salesfloor in a ULV store and I’m the Lone Ranger steering the selling culture ship. I cover style, beauty, electronics, and hardlines, as well as work a minimum or 2 LOD shifts a week. My STL and ETLs are not supportive of my role, they only talk to my team about task and are very hands off with the transition (other than to tell me when they see someone they don’t like not sell). I’m really excited about the changes and love guest centered selling, but I could really use some help/advice!

-What tools do you use to help the team stay focused? For example, we have a daily sales goal for each department.
-What are some of the biggest gaps you’ve seen with your teams?
-How do you follow up with all of the weekly training that’s dropping in?
-Do you have soft-spoken team members who have been successful with selling? (My ETL thinks all quiet team members are not engaging).
-For team members who refuse to change/engage, how do you performance manage? Have you had any success stories from performance conversations?

Really, any advice would be appreciated! My store is the only one near where I live so I don’t get see how anyone else is doing it.
Is your VM not part of the equation? Ours is highly involved and a real asset.
They are not. They work a lot with the team to make sure they’re staying on task, but they do not do a lot with selling. They probably should, but no one has told them to be involved from the higher ups.
“My STL and ETLs are not supportive of my role, they only talk to my team about task and are very hands off with the transition (other than to tell me when they see someone they don’t like not sell).”

Until this changes, you are beating your head against a brick wall.
“My STL and ETLs are not supportive of my role, they only talk to my team about task and are very hands off with the transition (other than to tell me when they see someone they don’t like not sell).”

Until this changes, you are beating your head against a brick wall.
Here’s an idea to solve your STL/ETL problem: next time there’s a visit talk to the visitors about your plans and goals for working on the selling culture. Get them interested and see if you can plant the idea in their heads to the point where they’ll want to follow up on it. Having the DTL and business partners asking about how the selling culture is doing will light a fire under the STL and ETLs asses
Here’s an idea to solve your STL/ETL problem: next time there’s a visit talk to the visitors about your plans and goals for working on the selling culture. Get them interested and see if you can plant the idea in their heads to the point where they’ll want to follow up on it. Having the DTL and business partners asking about how the selling culture is doing will light a fire under the STL and ETLs asses
Its kinda like throwing your STL and ETLs under the bus for their own benefit in the long term!
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