
Apr 16, 2020
So I've been working in retail for a super long time but after a far away move I decided I'd give target a go. I've been working here since seasonal last year and absolutely love the store and most of the people I work with. But I've had an emergency dental surgery come up that was scheduled 1 day in advanced because hours are super limited atm due to covid. I'm super lucky I even got in because I was dealing with mouth pain that was excruciating for almost a month before I got this appointment that was a cancellation. I had the surgery Tuesday (let my closing LOD know the day I did) and got my tuesday shift covered thinking I would be ok to go back Wednesday. Well I have a seriously nasty infection that was there before the surgery and my face is swollen up like a balloon still 2 days post surgery. I had to call out Wednesday and today and possibly tomorrow though I hope not. I have a doctors note through saturday but have been calling out daily hoping to go back to work. Even with a doctor's note can I get fired? Previous to this I only had 1 Excused call out (super heavy snow day). I feel awful calling out, I never call out but right now I can barely talk and my face looks really bad. If anyone has advice please give it! Thank you guys!
Attendance enforcement is supposedly suspended because of the pandemic, depending on your leadership you should be o.k., but with Spot leadership nothing is guaranteed, unfortunately. Spot doesn’t necessarily officially respect doctors notes, but having a few selfies of your swollen face will at least prove you are telling the truth. Good luck, hope you are feeling better soon.
Thank you! I do have the pics in my phone. As embarrassing as they are I'd share them if need be. Most leads I worked with knew my situation before I went out for surgery because of how bad the pain was. Even our store director knew I was waiting for an official date. I'm hoping I'll be ok but I'm just kinda freaked out about it.
Anyone at my store that calls and says they have a fever wins a week off of work. Pretty sure that’s the current policy. I hope you feel better soon!