Archived Hey guys lets share for how Mobile Checkout application is helping TM in stores

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Sep 12, 2018
So how has the stores new implementation of mobile checkout to help TM checkout guest any where?? lets see what best and worst feedback :)
So how has the stores new implementation of mobile checkout to help TM checkout guest any where?? lets see what best and worst feedback :)
Haven't seen it in use yet... excited they are sending equipment to support it though.
I'm literally the only person who has ever used it at my store. I think it's gonna be a great tool to have for our fitting room team to immediately lock in sales. Plus, the desk is a prime location to store some bags as well for Mobile Checkout transactions. Now I just gotta get the rest of my team on board with using it lol...
It can be a great tool to lock in sales or a huge waste of time when something goes wrong. Guests are very happy that we are able to order for them now.
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