Archived Hi!

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May 7, 2015
Hi everyone!! I'm new to the Target family and I'm saddly working at the Target Cafe. :eek:
I had orientation on May 3rd and by the 4th, I was already scheduled for 7 hours. During those seven hours, I only had 10 CUSTOMERS. That's literally so boring and not with what I'm used to! My trainer(originally from Starbucks) told me that a lot of people often quit Target Cafe and Starbucks. Does anyone know if it gets better for this newbie?
Wow, don't think I've heard of a FA being that slow before.

Welcome to The Break Room and I hope things pick up.
Wait 'til school's out. You'll miss those slow times.
Take advantage of the lull & concentrate on your training.
Welcome to The Break Room!

My store's Food Ave is usually dead during the week. Sometimes, they shut down and go out to the lanes to cash when the GSTL calls for back-up.

I want to shadow what redeye58 said. Definitely use this time to your advantage. It'll definitely pick up a month from now.
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