Archived Hi!

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Someone seems eager

I'll pray for you lil buddy

Now, now Kaitii, don't be scaring them away this early.*

Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.

*Give them a week for the truth to sink in.
I give them 3 days that seems to be the average for the newbies here
I give them 3 days that seems to be the average for the newbies here

You never know, they might be like Kartman and be very happy.
Let's not be Gloomy Gus's and jinx it for them.*

*Of course this entire conversation has probably made them incredibly paranoid, so that's not a good start.
No I'm not paranoid ! I have work in retail before. I also like people I tend to go to target when I having a bad day. Targets around here are really nice actually corporate is downtown !
Y-You've worked in retail before and you like it? Like people?

Oh my god there's another Kartman I never thought I'd see the day what a time to be alive

Bless your soul go out there and be happy and get many red cards for your store
Welcome to target!
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