Archived HL TM being scheduled SF, & Pay.

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Sep 30, 2018
I’ve been working at target for almost a year and a half, Hardlines. Lately (i’m assuming because of seasonal team members), I haven’t been scheduled hardlines very often. I’ve been scheduled flex fulfillment, presentation team, visual merchandising, and market.... (what I can remember) every now and then hardlines. I didn’t mind because most of those areas are connected to hardlines in some way. However, I checked online for my schedule (because it wasn’t posted the last time I was working, Sunday), and I’m scheduled Softlines every day next week besides one day which i’ll be in Market. I do not want to be in Softlines!! One of the softlines team leads just left, so i’m assuming that’s why they need the help. However, one of the softlines TL’s knows I hate softlines, one of the LOD’s, and even the STL knows it! I was put over there one time to help out because there was several call outs (no one showed me a thing, just thrown over there, had to ask TM’s questions) but I dreaded it. Are they allowed to do this? Just schedule me over there without giving me a heads up or even asking?! I’m honestly about to start looking for a new job if this continues. I’m tired of helping other departments that make more than me and not being paid the same. One other question, I was told the only way someone can be paid as a Market team member (or any other specialized area that makes more than hardlines), they would have to work there half of the time. Within a two week span, I worked in Market for one entire week (almost 40 hours)... would that be considered half the time? Am I suppose to be paid as such for that biweekly pay period? Thank you to anyone in advance.
Within a two week span, I worked in Market for one entire week (almost 40 hours)... would that be considered half the time? Am I suppose to be paid as such for that biweekly pay period? Thank you to anyone in advance.

It is more than half but that is too small a sample size to get a pay bump. The only way to get that raise is if they key you as a market tm and unless they plan to schedule you there going forward its not likely they will do that.

I would talk to a trusted leader about not wanting to be scheduled in softlines if at all possible. Its tough this time of year as you acknowledge.

Its also possible they are scheduling you there to make the grids look heavy for district leadership. Back when I was an hrtm my etl hr would schedule people in FACE areas since our hrbp went over every grid day by day then move them to hardlines or market as needed. Asants though.
I hate to say this, however, it ticks me off when Spot pulls stuff like this. Just do the minimum. You haven't even been given the courtesy of bare minimum training. The situation is frustrating you to the point where you are considering leaving. Hopefully when leadership sees that you aren't a good "fit" for softlines, they will move on to someone else.
Stay calm and be proud that you are so versatile. I would hope you are shown appreciation for working to support the needs of the business. Keep in mind that this time of year focuses shift - the greatest need early November is grocery, the greatest need late November is Ship, early December anything Hardlines gift/home decorating related, later December probably softlines purchases increase for parties and events. If you can roll with the punches you will get hours and be requested where needs are greatest and extra tm’s must be added. At present there is hardly any presentation work to do so the team members help where needed the most to support whoever is busy : seasonal/toys/flex/and this week: softlines to do the amp. Gifting set.
Also, ASANTS is true, but, I have heard that Many stores do “fake” the grid by using the hours whereever they are available with no intention of having the individuals scheduled there actually working there. If you are still concerned, I suggest speaking up, asking questions and/or swapping the softlines shifts with another tm for work centers that you prefer (although if there was a specific plan for you to set a POG or work somewhere else that the other tm is not trained for this may backfire on the scheduler).
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