Archived hours massively pulled by corporate

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After 8 years, I'm officially a guest!
Apr 30, 2014
Is anyone having any serious changes made to their schedule?
Back in Starbucks, we were always under staffed but right now, we may be at rock bottom. Today I had to wait 4 hours for someone to come in and cover my 15 (I opened and was starving, not trying to complain). Our pre closers used to leave as the lights went off, now they leave 2 hours before and we're back to being scheduled alone during the day.
I've spoken with my TL, GSTL, and HR and they all say it's corporate cutting hours.
We were green, 95, and I have a feeling with people waiting and waiting while we work alone, our vibe scores will drop tremendously.
Is anyone else dealing with serious hours being taken away? If so, is there anything you did to help the situation?
Soft lines is making the most money for our store right now and yet their hours and then cut to the bone. Last night ETL was bitching at them for having low service scores and saying he just did not understand what was going on over there. They have been red four weeks in a row.
Well DUH!!!! There are large chunks of time with no one on the SF. It's, "Softlines! I need 2 on GM right away! Guests are waiting! Who's responding?"
"There is no one in softlines we're all already on registers!"
"Fast service needed in jewelry. Who is responding?"
"Softlines? Have you got that?"
"We're all still on registers!"
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