Archived Hours v. REDCard Correlation

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Feb 26, 2016
I've been meaning to ask this to see how other stores do when it comes to Redcards and hours.

If I remember correctly, every time there is a dip in hours for my store, there is a dip in redcard apps that we get. Personally, I think with only two or three cashiers, the guests are already frustrated with the long lines that all they want to do is get out of the store and couldn't care less about a redcard. Our leaders still want us to make goal of course but with disgruntled guests, how are we supposed to make 5% sound appealing? Even our best performers can't get any.

Are your stores meeting goal? Is it just my store? And what advice do you guys have, if any, so we can turn this around?
Typically our cashiers get way more red cards than everyone else. When we have a lot of backup, those folks are less likely to push for Red cards..
No guests, no sales, & no hours. It takes a team effort to get red cards. There are some dead nights & electronics gets the most sales & the only red cards all night. Why? Because they had ask the guest, see the opportunity to help make sales for the store.
The new reshop policy is hurts the most to the salesfloor teams. They are expected to be at all ends the store & guests are not being help. I told my electronics folks, to keep their other worlds reshop except softlines(they take it to fitting room) next to the boat. I would take care of it for them. They need to be there to keep thieves out & help guests.
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i have the other side. we have long lines, and people want to get through transactions quicker. they ask if they're using a redcard, but don't really go in depth with it. and with one lane open no one really wants to open a red card and have the line take 4-8 minutes. let alone the guests, its kinda busy, i'll do it later.

goals for the district are around 1 redcard for every 250 transactions or 4 hours worked.
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