Archived How are video games secured at your store?

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Dec 30, 2015
After a major remodel of my store, they have one of the games in a tethered keeper case with the rest behind glass. They used to have them all behind glass without having tethered keepers before the remodel. Also some of the cheaper video games are in keeper cases that can be picked up from the shelf and taken up to the front.
We have the glass cabinets with the tethered keepers for most current games. The ones that just sit on shelves go in the keepers, like at your store post-remodel. We rarely have unsecured video games outside of Black Friday Thursday.
wing and a prayer as the thieves guild that hits our store has mag keys so it really doesn't matter what we do

This. In addition they also got their hands on a key so we just went through a re-coring.

We never lost a key, ap is still scratching their heads over how they were able to unlock the cases.
This. In addition they also got their hands on a key so we just went through a re-coring.

We never lost a key, ap is still scratching their heads over how they were able to unlock the cases.
If you actually have all the 6 keys accounted for then one could have gone home you make a copy and boom you can open the locks and a key never went "missing"
Depends on the type of key.
Many - like store door, jewelry cases & the like - are considered security-grade, which means most locksmiths can't get/don't have the blanks needed to copy said key.
Depends on the type of key.
Many - like store door, jewelry cases & the like - are considered security-grade, which means most locksmiths can't get/don't have the blanks needed to copy said key.

$100 under the table maketh a lot happen. bribes my good friend make many things happen that are not supposed to. all you need is a blank and a key that is reasonable close to the one you want to copy + a file or high quality picture and a 3D printer. there are always ways to get passed Spots less than stellar "security"
Keeper Cases and locked cases. I'm not in Electronics at all, but usually I end up nagging them to secure everything that gets put out.
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