ok, ok, I'm up. Now lets start with what my DC has as requirements for packers. luck for you guys i managed to write a couple of notes on the back of the interview structure and FAQ'S for packers!
Lift up to 30 pounds.
Verify and pack merchandise from cartons to store cartons in quantities more readily sold by stores.
accurately scan labels.
Please note that we do NOT require the physical abilities test for packer positions. I'm not going to disclose exact starting pay, but it's in the neighborhood of $11 at my DC, about $2 less than most team members. Of course this like all hourly positions is a progression pay, meaning you'll receive pay raise every six months till you top out after 24 months in the neighborhood of $14 then your stuck with the annual wage survey raise.
Now the way packing works at my DC! Warehouse workers will feed freight into the packing modes from cage carts till the non-powered conveyor is full. Hardlines on one side of the conveyor and softlines on the other, there are designated mods for "high value sku's " that are under constant surveillance by assets protections. Each of these case packs is opened and scanned. A "put to light" system , check you tube you'll find videos that explain the technology, will direct you where to put the product. Each side of the individual packing module, a mod for short, has pre-designated locations for boxes that will be going to each store your DC supports.In my DC this means that we will be at peak packing out 48 cartons to head to any store we support. Once the original carton is emptied it's tossed over the take away line and into the trash line. Once a store carton, you've seen these come in on your inbound trailers, is filled it will be pushed out onto the take away lane to head off to the shipping sorter. Should you forget to tape the store carton closed, close it out in the put to light system, ect there is a green cord to pull. this will stop the take away line but PLEASE remember to pull it again and make sure the line starts moving again. Most of the day will be spent in a packing mod. As more buildings get the "tiny burden" system there is also residuals processing, it functions on a very similar basis with a few differences. but it's also staffed by packers.
Hatemyjob was correct about hours, there WILL be ot in fall season and if the backlog of freight to process is to big, however you will be the first department to VLE or flex down once volumes drop.
I think I covered most of the basics.