Archived how long do I have to file an incident report?

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Nov 6, 2014
It wasn't anything that was anyone's fault just a freak accident and I'll probably be okay. BUT I was wondering if I should file a report and how long I have to do it?
I did it on Tuesday so it's probably too late at this point but thank you for the responses!
I was told I had 24hrs to file for injury to my person the other day after taking a box to the face/glasses....wasn't hurt but worried if I woke up super bruised I might have needed to get checked out. Might be by state, but definitely by the next day is a good choice. Lots of car accidents/personal injury isn't felt until the next day or later in the day.
Most stores have a 24 hour window in my area. But, you may still want to say something, just in case.
It might be 24 hours for the initial report, but you should always say something to your supervisor immediately. This covers you if you discover later the next day that you were injured and will help fight the, "how do we know you didn't injure yourself someplace else" questions that will arise when they try to deny payment.
Thanks for all the responses filed today(exactly one week after incident) and they said nothing about it being too late!
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