Im a backroom team member and i still get 40 hrs per week. btw i was also told our store is going to become a super target soon which is rather exciting! Anybody here work at one? Do they extend the store because ours is pretty big already!
Especially when it comes to fixing the dang things. If it's not a hand scanner it's a card reader with a mind of it's own. My GSTL and I send out more equipment then we do overriding.
We used to have a GSTL that could actually fix the registers/peripherals/almost everything in the store by himself. But then a hardlines TL quit so he moved to hardlines. And now we have to use everything until it's totally dead because the store won't replace anything.
down to 35 from 40 :[
yea I can pretty much fix all the CL's, if it's something I can't do I put in a work order for it, let our STF know about it and he escalates it to a higher power. Then tech. will come out. But this only happens if we have done all we could as far as rebooting, troubleshooting, etc. The only thing that is starting to get to me is the GSTL LPDA acting up. Every time the closing GSTL/GSA goes with the LOD into the CO, we lock the GSTL LPDA in there. But in the morning, the opening/ overnight LOD ends up taking it and it ALWAYS comes back to us broken. Our STL wont approve any more equipment ordering, we basically have to work with what we have. At least we have enough walkies. Each dept. has their own, and the service desk locks theirs up. Kinda sad that we have to hide our stuff because other TM's are irresponsible...When we were approved for 6 more LPDA's, we had a total of 23...we are now down to 6... I stayed the other night with my ETL-GE an extra hour to close the store and finish the strays of carts she promised our STL would be gone in the morning and we were talking about how it is sad that all of this money is being spent to get more equipment and it just "disappears". I told her that I have heard rumors that TM's are selling it on eBAY and stuff like that. She said she has heard the same thing. Not too sure whats going on with that but yea.... sucks not having a working LPDA, especially when I need to listen out for alerts. Sometimes the LOD lets me use theirs but has me sign in as the LOD to listen out for their alerts as well as mine.
hahaha he was talking about hours then it got into fixing things with the CL's and then equipment...etc... its 2 am here loll leave me alone. 😛
Funny how these threads always seem to go off on tangents. 😀
You will learn alot too. Just search our threads & ck out our forums.yea I know. I can't believe I just found out about this site. I love how I can vent and actually talk to target tm's tl's and other GSA's and not my own. Although I love my fellow TM's, thete only so much you can talk about without it being "branded".
You will learn alot too. Just search our threads & ck out our forums.
Get the sf learning plan done & off the lanes you go. I'll take you.I've definitely learned a lot. I was supposed to be trained in hardlines last summer, and I've learned more here about the sales floor than I have from the two days of "training" I had in December.
Get the sf learning plan done & off the lanes you go. I'll take you.