This simply means that in the monthly contribution meeting, that particular team lead chose you as their top performer. Two others had to be chosen as "needs attention". The contribution meeting is a completely worthless practice that was made up by some fresh out of college ETL that needed to feel like they were "managing" people. They then made a TL version so that they could feel like they were doing some "developing" of team leads. In reality, the average TL only has about three or less team members that they actually feel like they supervise, so they usually just rotate the three between top performer and needs attention so they can pencil whip it and it loses all meaning.
It's almost as bad as business walks. I spend so much more time trying to figure out how to pencil whip that Chinese puzzle correctly so that my ETL, ETLHR, STL, HRBP, and DTL won't all come in with 5 different opinions about how the "tasks need to match my leadership status, the store focuses need to be reflected in the deep dive, and I need to recognize someone for me keeping up to date with my own message boards blah blah.." that it completely lost all meaning it used to have as a real tool. It's worse than Office Space and the TPS reports...
I could swear they come up with this stuff to seriously sabotage their own business. Just think of the true cost of the wasted payroll across the whole company. It's crazy.
Target needs to get back to where their "Managers" are running their BUSINESS, instead of all these "Leaders" filling out useless FORMS.