Archived How to become GSTL?

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May 20, 2014
I think I'd like to become a GSTL at some point during the future while I'm at Target. I only just started as cashier some months ago so this isn't anything I'm expecting or hoping for anytime soon, but say two years from now, or three, whatever, what can I do to increase my chances of being looked at for the position? Should I cross-train everywhere, talk to the ETL-GE, get more REDcards, or what?
First learn guest services. Then express an interest to be a GSA. From there you can start developing to TL if you are interested. Some stores don't let you pick your TL position, and some stores, like mine, will groom people in advance for particular TL positions.
First learn guest services. Then express an interest to be a GSA. From there you can start developing to TL if you are interested. Some stores don't let you pick your TL position, and some stores, like mine, will groom people in advance for particular TL positions.

Is two years a reasonable time frame? How long should I be GSA before expressing interest in GSTL? How does one eventually express interest? Maybe when/if one of our current GSTLs leave I can ask the ETL about it?
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Is two years a reasonable time frame? How long should I be GSA before expressing interest in GSTL? How does one eventually express interest? Maybe when/if one of our current GSTLs leave I can ask the ETL about it?

So my experience may be different obviously but I was promoted to TL a couple months after coming on as a TM. I had a little bit of experience in retail and some college but I worked much harder than other TMs. Generally TL and up have 18 month cycles but getting to TL is just timing for your store and your effort so yes, set a goal, but your leaders will have a better idea on timeframe. As humbly as possible, what I think helped me:

- Do NOT have attendance issues, easiest way to a bad reputation and most frustrating for leaders in the building. Take care of yourself and make work a priority.
- Pick up shifts whenever hours/schedule allows but try not to seem needy. i.e. the passive aggressive "wish I could get more hours" isn't the best way to solicit help. Talk to your peers and check the swap shift. Be the one leaders want to ask when there's a call in!
- Kick butt with metrics at the front. Find a way to genuinely connect with guests and aim for high conversion. At my store my "best" cashiers know when to push and when to move on and talk about surveys and cartwheel.
- Most of all be flexible! We're rolling out new technology, scheduling, structure, etc. Try to roll with it and be patient.
- Stay positive! Giving out life lessons here. :) Don't get sucked into the gossip and complaints about guests/schedules. You don't (shouldn't) hear your GSTL and other leaders talking that way so try to emulate that.

Honestly I would be upfront with your GSA/GSTL and if it doesn't seem like any progress is being made then have a chat with your ETL. At all the Targets I've worked we are desperate for a hard working/RELIABLE team so put in the effort and don't be afraid to progress. It unfortunately is sometimes a little political and based on store/district needs but those that stand out move quick!
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